
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.01.10 - Vet Illnesses & PTSD

Vet Illnesses & PTSD


Vet Illnesses & PTSD

Date: 01-10-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Joyce Riley, Dr. Doug Rokke, Aurora Winter
Registered nurse and talk show host, Joyce Riley, discussed the epidemic of violent & murderous episodes involving Gulf War vets, who have typically not found adequate support from the government. Dr. Doug Rokke, a retired Major of the U.S. Army also joined the conversation. Rokke created a U.S. Army Depleted Uranium (DU) Training film, but the DoD failed to ever show his video because of the severity of consequences from DU. A multitude of weapons contribute to DU, including bunker buster bombs, cruise missiles, cluster bombs, and tank & aircraft rounds, he stated. Symptoms from exposure include skin rashes, chronic fatigue, mood swings, memory loss, immune dysfunction, abdominal pain, and blurred vision, he detailed, adding that war zones have become thoroughly contaminated.
In addition to DU, battle fatigue, exposure to experimental vaccines, and toxic environments all contribute to an alarming level of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and physical/psychological illnesses suffered by vets, Riley reported. The VA fields an astonishing 450 suicide calls a day, and out of 600,000 troops who served in Desert Storm, over 300,000 have serious medical problems, she cited. Regarding such cases, "these are people who had something happen to their brains, their bodies; they come back and then they are kicked to the side of the curb, and told 'gee, we don't see anything wrong with you,' and then they're out of the military," she lamented.
In addition to high suicide rates, vets with PTSD have killed family members, and afterward report that they were in a fog, and have no memory of committing murders, Riley noted. The VA often gives PTSD sufferers antipsychotic or SSRI drugs, which she believes ends up accelerating their levels of aggression and problematic behaviors (this page documents some of the cases). Further, according to Senate Report 103-97, "during the past 50 years, hundreds of thousands of our military have been experimented upon without their knowledge or consent," Riley pointed out.

Good Luck in 2012

First hour guest, author and speaker Aurora Winter talked about new year's resolutions and how to change your luck in 2012. People's new year's resolutions often fail because they make too many of them, she said. Making the singular resolution "to decide to be happy" can bring about good luck, she suggested. Imagining that every day is a gift, practicing positive affirmations, and performing random acts of kindness can all help to shift your luck, she added.
News segment guests: John Curtis, Christian Wilde, Joshua Warren-- shares photo from Chicken Hill, NC that shows weird figure peeking out.



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