
Monday, January 9, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.01.08 - Informed Jury Movement

Informed Jury Movement



Informed Jury Movement

Date: 01-08-12
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Roger Roots, Kewaunee Lapseritis
Kicking off his new, second Sunday of the month slot, Ian Punnett was joined by criminologist Dr. Roger Roots for a discussion on the fully informed jury movement, the establishment of a fair and equal court system for all participants, as well as the erosion of Fourth Amendment protections and other rights in America. The Founding Fathers placed a high importance on the right to trial by jury in the Constitution, but what happens today is that judges often falsely tell a jury that if the government reasonably proves their case, they are required to return a conviction, when by law a jury is never required to acquit, he pointed out.
A lot of intimidation by judges goes on, he continued, citing how in one recent federal case, a judge repeatedly told a jury, 'you understand that you must follow my instructions on the law and it is a violation of your oath if you fail to follow my instructions.' But that's absolutely deceptive, because a judge knows that no jury can ever be punished for their verdict, Roots asserted. Another problem is that jurors are often kept in the dark about what sentencing will be, so they aren't able to evaluate if the punishment fits the crime, he noted. The organization FIJA works to inform potential jurors of these issues, and their legal rights.
Roots also spoke about how America has increasingly become a police state, with citizens often subjected to aggressive policing, and questionable searches and seizures. Now with the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, whereupon people can be arrested without a charge or lawyer, "it's a brand new day of tyranny," he lamented. Part of the problem, he noted, is that the US public has become apathetic and doesn't vote out or remove politicians who vote in favor of such fascistic policies.

Sasquatch Communications

First hour guest, Bigfoot researcher & holistic health consultant Kewaunee Lapseritis told his personal story of being telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and an ET simultaneously, 33 years ago in Wisconsin. The Sasquatch are an "evolved nature people" brought here millions of years ago by the "star people," and do mining and heavy bulk work for the ETs, he explained. According to his communications with Sasquatch & ETs (he said he's had over 1,000 telepathic encounters since the initial contact), within the next few years there'll be a pole flip, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves and superquakes, and the US coastal areas are particularly dangerous.

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