
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.14 - Transformation & Life Purpose


Full Show

Coast to Coast AM
Transformation & Life Purpose
Date:     11-14-11
Host:     George Noory
Guests:     Jack Canfield, William Gladstone, David Nabhan

Co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and known as America’s #1 Success Coach, Jack Canfield, discussed his life story, and how people can find greater success and happiness, and fulfill their life purpose. Each person has a life purpose unique to them, and ideally they should find work related to this, as people are happiest doing what they love, he said. A life purpose is often related to what a person is most passionate about, what brings them joy. He offers a free written exercise (PDF file) to help people discover their life purpose.

Canfield talked about a person's Inner Guidance System-- "we're always getting information that we're either on course, or off course...when we're doing the thing that we're supposed to do that leads us to our greatest fulfillment...we will experience this sense of expansion rather than contraction, we'll experience joy rather than the lack of it...and energy and aliveness rather than the sense of deadness." He also addressed The Secret (the Law of Attraction), explaining that our thoughts and feelings are broadcast, and people attract others vibrating at the same level.

Canfield shared his vision during meditation of being a member of a golden, soul-traveling motorcycle gang who saw the earth in peril and came here to assist during the crisis in bringing about a massive global transformation. Author William Gladstone (who co-wrote The Golden Motorcycle Gang with Canfield) joined in the conversation, and discussed his interest in 2012 and the Mayan Calendar. Rather than signifying the end of the world, Dec. 21, 2012 marks the end of a cycle, and the birth of a new one that can make way for positive global change, he commented.

Quake Warning System

First hour guest, author David Nabhan shared his plan for an earthquake warning system for the US West Coast. Many of the largest quakes that struck California occurred at specific times of day, and during either new or full moon phases. This suggests to him that lunar and tidal forces can have an influence on quakes, and to increase preparedness, California should set up an advisory system announcing when such quake factors are present.

News segment guests: Gillian Holloway, Dr. Peter Breggin


    The Golden Motorcycle Gang: A Story of Transformation
    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive
    Forecasting the Catastrophe
    Tapping the Source: Using the Master Key System for Abundance and Happiness

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