
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.29 - America & Geopolitics

Coast to Coast AM
America & Geopolitics

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Coast to Coast AM
America & Geopolitics
Date:     11-29-11
Host:     George Noory
Guests:     Robert Young Pelton, Aleya Dao

[Quick Info]
First Half: Journalist and adventurer Robert Young Pelton discusses the situation in the Middle East and presents reports from the front lines of terrorism and piracy.

2nd Half: Sound healer, and energy practitioner Aleya Dao talks about planetary energies, and shares audio meditations to help people over the holidays.

[Full Info]
In the first half, journalist and adventurer Robert Young Pelton offered his analysis of America's problems, as well as various turmoil-ridden spots around the world, especially regions in the Middle East. In regards to the recent attack on the British embassy in Tehran, protestors picked this location only because Israel and the US don't have embassies there, and further, the protestors were staging the event for the TV cameras, he said. Syria's reform efforts will fail, as it is essentially a police state, Pelton continued, adding that he believes the Middle East will eventually settle down into a more successful, less violent environment, but it may take 20-40 years. 

Russia, he noted, may be running out of steam, and will focus less on expansion as Putin's popularity fades. In relation to the many issues that face Somalia, Pelton created the Somalia Report website, which uses local journalists to covers various aspects of the region. Problematic trends that he sees in the United States are the emergence of a police state post 9-11, the decline of the middle class, as well as the vulnerability of power grids and communication systems. The US needs to reboot, make more products locally, and hold governmental accountable, he offered.

Energy & Healing

Appearing during the third hour, sound healer and energy practitioner Aleya Dao talked about planetary shifts & energies, as well as mass consciousness. She concurred with Carl Calleman's calculations that the Mayan calendar cycle ended on October 28th of this year, rather than in 2012, and that the Earth has been "launched out into a new energetic terrain in the Universe," which may be associated with increased earthquakes and natural disasters. Mass consciousness occurs when a group of people share a similar thought pattern. This can create coherence, and loving vibrations, or alternatively, anxiety and fear, she explained. Dao also presented samples of her healing audio meditations-- tones she designed to ground a person, or clear power blockages.
The final hour of the show featured Open Lines callers, some of whom shared their reaction to the Occupy Wall St. movement, and the breaking story of the LAPD moving in to evict Occupy Los Angeles protestors.
News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Marvin Hausman

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.28 - Stargates & the Light Body - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Stargates & the Light Body


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Coast to Coast AM
Stargates & the Light Body
Date: 11-28-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: William Henry, Mary Ellen O'Toole

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones

[Quick Info]
Investigative mythologist, William Henry, will discuss his decoding of Gnostic gospels and sacred art. He'll also talk about the Sun and its role in the awakening of higher human consciousness, and how we can win the war against devastating dehumanization.

First Hour: Former FBI profiler, Mary Ellen O'Toole, talks about how to make decisions that are NOT based on gut feelings and emotions.

[Full Info]
Investigative mythologist William Henry discussed his decoding of Gnostic gospels, and sacred art and their relation to stargates and the "light body." A stargate could be thought of as a link between suns or star systems, "a dot of real estate on the Earth" where the transformative energy or vibration from a particular star system saturates the ground, or an interstellar transportation system (possibly used at Stonehenge), he outlined. The ancient Gnostics were esoteric knowledge seekers who sought to reconnect with their higher self, and believed that in their light bodies they could travel in a cosmic conduit or stargate to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which they referred to as Sion, he continued.

According to the Gnostics, Sion was occupied by ascended human beings, in a different plane of existence. Interestingly, back in the 1800s, the Mormons wrote about the city of Enoch located in the center of the galaxy, he noted. Rather than in craft, the advanced beings of Sion travel via a "beaming garment" or light body, and this is humanity's next level of evolution, Henry said. He shared the translation of a lost Gnostic text called the Revelation of the Magi-- the three Magi weren't following a star, but a "starchild," who manifested to them through a stargate. Further, this starchild or Jesus, told them that this wasn't his first trip to Earth. Henry was surprised at how much this text concurred with his own theories. Sacred art shows Earth linked by a conduit to the throne of God, which could be a kind of Stargate kit that the Gnostics wrote about, he added.
He also expressed concern over the dehumanizing direction technology may be taking us, with predictions that by 2035, humans will be replaced by machines. Humanity won't be able to achieve its full manifestation as the light body, if it goes in this direction, as machines lack the ability to love, Henry cautioned.

Evaluating Character

First hour guest, former FBI profiler, Mary Ellen O'Toole, talked about how to make decisions that are not guided primarily by gut feelings and emotions. For instance, when evaluating the character of a new person that comes into your life, it's beneficial to examine aspects beyond superficial details such as how they dress, & what kind of job they have, and look more at their specific behaviors and what kind of information you have available about them, she explained. O'Toole also cited the factor of "icon intimidation," whereby people in positions of authority such as ministers or coaches, might be given the "benefit of the doubt," even if they don't necessarily merit it.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones



Soul Rising


Cloak of the Illuminati
Dangerous Instincts

Monday, November 28, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.27 - Vegas Killers & Crooks - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Vegas Killers & Crooks


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Coast to Coast AM
Vegas Killers & Crooks
Date: 11-27-11
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Wendy Mazaros, Joe Schoenmann, Jim Carnes

[Quick Info]
The deadliest serial killers you've never heard of---Tom and Gramby Hanley, a father and son hitman team performed murders-for-hire on behalf of mobsters, casino owners, labor unions, and others. Wendy Mazaros, who lived with the Hanleys was being groomed to join the family business, and survived one of the bloodiest periods in Las Vegas history. She'll join George Knapp and Nevada journalist Joe Schoenmann to chronicle the larger-than- life characters and events in their new book Vegas Rag Doll.

In the first hour, Jim Carnes will provide an update on the case of his father, Patrick F. Carnes, who was driving with his lifelong dog companion, Lucky, traveling west from Ohio to Reno when he went missing.

[Full Info]
George Knapp was joined by Wendy Mazaros and journalist Joe Schoenmann for a discussion on Mazaros' life with Tom and Gramby Hanley, a Las Vegas father and son hitman team who performed murders-for-hire on behalf of mobsters, casino owners, labor unions, and others. "It's very astounding that she was at the center of this human maelstrom," Schoenmann said about Mazaros' relationship with Tom Hanley and her indoctrination into his family's nefarious lifestyle. She traced her story back to a dysfunctional home which led her to runaway at the age of 15 and fall into the clutches of a powerful casino owner in Las Vegas. Following a tumultuous few years of prostitution and other sordid activities, Mazaros became romantically involved with Tom Hanley, a man with connections to the Vegas underworld.

After moving into the Hanley home, Mazaros said, she began to learn about the family's criminal dealings, such as bombings of restaurants that had run afoul of organized labor and murders of people that had crossed the casino owners. Despite her growing knowledge of the Hanleys activities, Mazaros was fearful of asking questions or seeking help. "Tom taught me from the very start that 'silence is the fence around wisdom,'" she recalled. So powerful was Tom Hanley's grip on her that, after they'd been together only a few months, he forced Mazaros to pen her own suicide note as a form of insurance should she ever stray. "I was a little girl brainwashed and afraid and running with killers and I did what I was told to do," she lamented.

Schoenmann and Mazaros detailed a litany of murders and disappearances that are believed to have been the handiwork of the Hanleys. While the official death count attributed to them was merely seven, Schoenmann speculated that, "from what Wendy's told me, it was 19 to 20 victims" and conceded that it "easily could have been more." The Hanleys reign of terror would come to an end in the late 1970's after they were arrested for the murder of a powerful Las Vegas union leader and cut a deal with the FBI to reveal the connections between the mafia and unions in the city. Looking back on Mazaros' life amidst such carnage, Schoenmann mused that "it's a pretty horrific story" and opined that her survival was because "she learned to keep quiet and that's what she did."

Carnes Case Update

During the first hour, Jim Carnes provided an update on the case of his father, Patrick F. Carnes, who was driving with his lifelong dog companion, Lucky, traveling west from Ohio to Reno when he went missing last April. He said that investigators are looking into a myriad of tips that have come in since the story first became publicized, noting that many truckers have contributed suggestions and information which may help lead to a breakthrough. While Carnes conceded that they have not ruled out any possibilities for what happened to his father, he was adamant that it is a solvable case. However, he expressed frustration that the nature of his father's disappearance precludes the FBI investigating it, because it is a 'missing person' case and not, technically, a crime.


Vegas Rag Doll

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.26 - Animal Predators - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Animal Predators
Date: 11-26-11
Host: Ian Punnett


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Coast to Coast AM
Animal Predators
Date: 11-26-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Paul A. Trout, Galen Cook

[Quick Info]
Joining Ian Punnett, Paul A. Trout (book link), retired professor at Montana State University, will discuss the myths of devouring lions, giant bears and snapping alligators - these and other animal predators in search of human flesh are a staple of ancient mythology, along with their mythic counterparts like dragons or griffins. First hour guest, Galen Cook, has an update in the D.B. Cooper mystery.

[Full Info]
Joining Ian Punnett, Paul A. Trout (book link), retired professor at Montana State University, for a discussion on how ancient mythology about animal predators in search of human flesh has factual roots based on mankind's early history. He traced this concept back to the Pleistocene Era, when the human species was living and evolving on the African savanna. During that time, Trout said, humans lived amongst predatory creatures, like sabre toothed tigers and birds of prey, that were far more massive than their contemporary counterparts. He cited archaeological evidence which indicates that human beings were frequently eaten by these creatures, who likely saw man as easy prey, since they had yet to develop weapons to defend themselves.

Among the predatory creatures from the Pleistocene Era that Trout detailed were giant snakes that had a diameter of 18 inches and weighed 800 pounds as well as a bird of prey which weighed 50 pounds and could lift humans off the ground. Additionally, he said, there were massive dogs, weighing 200 pounds, that hunted in packs of fifty and bears that had skulls which were 3 to 4 times the size of a modern grizzly bear. Given this extreme preponderance of predatory creatures, Trout observed that our ancestors living in this environment would likely witness "stacks of bones littering the landscape" and hear the sounds of not only victims of these predatory animals but also their calls to each other while on the hunt. "It must have been very unnerving for our ancestors to live within this milieu," Trout mused, "that was nosy with death and littered with corpses, bones, and kill sites."

Trout also suggested that these living conditions resulted in a critical change in the human psyche. "We finally realized that one of the best ways of dealing with our fear of predators was to become the predator," he explained. He pointed to early humans donning animal pelts and hunting in packs as ways that they mimicked the creatures that once feasted on them. Additionally, Trout argued that mankind's role as prey laid the foundation for our religious belief system. He contended that the first gods which humans worshipped were predatory animals, which is the basis for the proverbial "fear of God." As man grew more sophisticated, he theorized, "we wanted to identify with a divine agent that was more like us" which led to the gods found in modern religions. In turn, Trout said, the idea of a "predator god" became fused with the devils of these religions.

D.B. Cooper Update

In the first hour, Galen Cook provided an update on the D.B. Cooper mystery, which marked its 40th anniversary this past week. Cook was dismissive of the recent news reports concerning titanium found of Cooper's tie, which was left behind during the heist, because such metalurgical evidence cannot conclusively determine the identity of infamous skyjacker. Conversely, he stressed that the letters allegedly sent by Cooper following his heist provide more tangible clues as to the identity and location of the legendary robber. For a detailed look at the Cooper letters, see Cook's report here. During Cook's appearance, the neice of his prime suspect, Bill Gossett, called in to the program and recalled how Gossett would routinely give large sums of money to her family and how her older brothers jokingly called him 'D.B.'


Deadly Powers

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.25 - Climategate - Open Lines - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Climategate - Open Lines


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Coast to Coast AM
Climategate - Open Lines
Date: 11-25-11
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Zimmerman, Open Lines

[Quick Info]
Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells hosts space historian Robert Zimmerman in the first hour for a discussion about space-related issues and climate change.

Followed by Open Lines.

[Full Info]
Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells welcomed space historian Robert Zimmerman, in the first half of the program, for a discussion about Climategate and other science-related issues. Zimmerman contended that Climategate was a "perfect example" of scientists distorting data to come to conclusions that were preferable to the research community. He pointed to to money as the key factor which drove Climategate, since climate research is fueled by multi-billion dollar grants issued from various governments around the world. Additionally, Zimmerman observed that misplaced "good intentions" have clouded the judgement of climate researchers who are adamant that global warming is real and an eminent danger to the planet.

Regarding the aftermath of Climategate, Zimmerman lamented that, rather than punish the scientists involved in the fraudulant findings, the research community "spent the next two years whitewashing those scientists that had committed that fraud." He called this turn of event the "biggest tragedy" of the scandal, since it undermines the public trust in not only the climate research community, but also the scientific establishment as a whole. Chillingly, Zimmerman warned that, in light of our culture's overhwelming reliance on science as a foundation for human knowledge, "if we don't trust our scientists or they become untrustworthy, then we're in big trouble."

Going forward, Zimmerman shared some solutions for fixing the damaged reputation of climate research. He first suggested expunging the scientists responsible for perpetrating the fraudulant evidence from the climate research community. Beyond that, he called for an end to the United States' funding of the UN climate change research as well as stricter distribution of government funded grants to independent scientists. He also said that greater transparency is needed from climate researchers, who have been reticent to share their raw data in the past. Ultimately, he called on the media to do a better job of investigating the claims of climate researchers and expressed dismay that the press has seemingly supported the allegedly fraudulant scientists' perspective and, even worse, not even read the complex leaked e-mails which began the scandal.


The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines and featured spirited discussion on the Occupy Wall Street movement as well as callers discussing UFOs, ancient astronauts, and chemtrails. Jeremy in Minnesota shared his story of seeing a UFO which he described as a "bright shining light" with a tail pointing east. He claimed the object hovered for over four hours and left him baffled as to what it was. Later, Tom in Santa Rosa talked about the Occupy Wall Street movement and suggested the US government adopt "mandatory criminal charges for reckless corporations." Ronnie in Denver expressed his concerns over chemtrails and said that he has seen them sprayed over the city in grid formations everyday for the last nine months. He expressed frustration over his observations, since the operation appears to be a grand undertaking, yet appears to be unreported.



Leaving Earth: Space Stations, Rival Superpowers, and the Quest for Interplanetary Travel
Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8

Friday, November 25, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.24 - GMO Crops - Bigfoot Footage

 Coast to Coast AM
GMO Crops - Bigfoot Footage

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Coast to Coast AM
GMO Crops/ Bigfoot Footage
Date: 11-24-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Eric Herm, Jeff Hilling
News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin, Douglas Hagmann

[Quick Info]
In the first half, fourth generation Texas farmer, Eric Herm, will discuss how the Thanksgiving turkey you just ate was probably fed with GMO corn, and how the emergence of 'frankenfarming' will probably send the cost of food soaring while it poisons delicate ecosystems.

2nd Half: Expert on the Patterson film and on the history of Bigfoot, Jeff Hilling, will discuss the deeper mysteries of this enigmatic film clip and why after four decades he is not so quick to dismiss it as an elaborate hoax.

[Full Info]
In the first half of our Thanksgiving show, fourth generation Texas farmer, Eric Herm, discussed how the turkey you just ate was probably fed with GMO (genetically modified) corn, and how the emergence of 'frankenfarming' is poisoning delicate ecosystems. He planted some GMO seeds back in 2005-6, but after he noted numerous warning labels on the packages, he began to investigate, and found that the seeds have genes of a pesticide and herbicide in their make up, as well as antibodies, and this is going into the food we eat. In studies with mice that were fed GMO foods, they suffered from spleen damage, liver atrophy, smaller organ growth, and accelerated aging, and for the last 15 years, humans have become guinea pigs in their unwitting consumption of these crops, he said.

GMO seeds sold and patented by Monsanto cost $400 a bag, and the company rakes in billions of dollars from their sales, he reported. Four major commodities crop in the US-- corn, cotton, canola, and soybean are now 90% GMO, and alfalfa was recently deregulated, he noted. To get back to healthier foods, the future lies in small organic farms, Herm commented, adding that organic fertilizers outproduced chemical agriculture. GMO seeds don't produce more than conventional seeds, and in a 30-year study, it was found that organic farming outperformed chemical agriculture, he detailed.


In the second half, Bigfoot expert Jeff Hilling discussed the enigmatic Patterson/Gimlin 16mm film and why after four decades he is not so quick to dismiss it as an elaborate hoax. In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson set out to make a documentary about the American 'Abominable Snowman,' and the sensational film footage they captured help to launch the whole subculture of Bigfoot, he said. Back in that time period, special effects were much harder to create than in our digital era, and if the creature in the film is actually a man wearing a monkey suit, it was unlike anything available either then or now, Hilling suggested.

Particularly noteworthy are the muscle and breast movement details, as well as the odd arm lengths that couldn't be replicated in a costume, he continued, adding that the film was shown to a Hollywood special effects team in the 1960s, and they said it couldn't be reproduced, or if they could it would cost a couple million dollars. But in recent years, a costume designer named Phillip Morris said he created the suit for Patterson, and it was worn by Bob Heironimus (video clip). Hilling responded that the costume Morris produced doesn't closely resemble the one seen in the Patterson film, and that Harris has changed his story over the years. On the Coast Facebook page, we conducted a poll as to whether people believe the footage is real or fake. Vote and view the results here.

News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin, Douglas Hagmann



Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth
The Great Bigfoot Film Mystery

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.23 - Apocalypse Not - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Apocalypse Not


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Coast to Coast AM
Apocalypse Not
Date: 11-23-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: John Michael Greer, Dr. Patricia Ariadne
News segment guest: Richard C. Hoagland

[Quick Info]
Longtime researcher and explorer in alternative realities, John Michael Greer, will discuss his new work demonstrating how history has proven that apocalyptic and revolutionary notions such as the Rapture and Singularity will never happen, but are used to control the masses.

[Full Info]

Appearing during the middle two hours, longtime researcher and explorer in alternative realities, John Michael Greer, discussed his new work demonstrating how history has proven that apocalyptic and revolutionary notions such as the Rapture and the Singularity will never happen, but can be used to control the masses. When people become convinced that the world is going to end on a specific date (most recently Harold Camping), "they're facing a world of disappointment, consistently, every single time," he commented.

Noteworthy about various apocalypse myths is what happens afterward-- typically "somebody's fondest daydream," such as "we're going to be raptured to heaven and then watch everyone who's ever made fun of us get the crap stomped out of them," or the landing of Space Brothers who give us free energy, and whisk us away on their spaceships, Greer outlined.

Notions of the apocalypse can be used to distract the populace from political or economic issues, he suggested, adding that the more stressed out a society is, the more likely people will turn to apocalyptic scenarios, as a kind of relief. Regarding the Mayan calendar ending in Dec. 21 2012-- "The ancient Mayans didn't actually predict that anything in particular was going to happen on that date," it's just one of many dates, or rollovers in their omplicated calendar system which has all kinds of cycles that finish at different times, he explained. The Mayans weren't waiting for the Apocalypse, he continued, but the end date of 12/21/12 caught the popular imagination in recent years, and people have been grafting various cataclysmic scenarios on to it since then.

The last hour of the show featured 'Miracle' Open Lines.

Dark Night of the Soul

First hour guest, Dr. Patricia Ariadne talked about how people can grow through experiencing the "dark night of the soul," a time of psychological and spiritual upheaval that may have arisen from pain, suffering, discontent, or disappointment. Entering a period of introspection, people can re-prioritize their life goals and activities, find spiritual authority and answers from within, and attain a kind of simplicity, she detailed.

News segment guest: Richard C. Hoagland



Apocalypse Not
The UFO Phenomenon: Fact, Fantasy and Disinformation
Drinking the Dragon

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.22 - Strange Phenomena in Missouri - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Strange Phenomena in Missouri
Date: 11-22-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Lloyd Pye


Full Show

Coast to Coast AM
Strange Phenomena in Missouri
Date: 11-22-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Lloyd Pye
News segment guest: Cal Orey

[Quick Info]
Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, will discuss the unidentified balls, discs, and entity encounters in Kansas City, Missouri since April 2011 and the 125

orange spheres that flew in waves toward Lee's Summit, Missouri. She'll also talk about Solar Cycle 24, and Erich von Daniken’s latest book, Odyssey of the Gods.

First Hour: Researcher Lloyd Pye comments on reports of a "Starchild'-like skull found in Peru.

[Full Info]
In her first two segments, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the unidentified balls, discs, and entity encounters in Kansas City, Missouri since April 2011 and the 125 orange spheres that flew in waves toward Lee's Summit, Missouri. She interviewed Margie Kay, the Asst. State Director of Missouri MUFON, who noted that in a one month period between the first week of October to November 2011, Kansas City Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) had received nearly 80 cases, the biggest UFO flap in such a short time in the city's history. Among the sightings were a soundless diamond-shaped craft, a large slow-moving circular disc that ejected a red sphere, a flaming orange orb, and a small orb that a dog chased into the woods.

Additionally, Kay described cases where a UFO witness with missing time had a strange crystal tooth installed in her mouth, and a retired police detective saw a small alien being, as a black triangular craft hovered over his backyard. More of Kay's interview here. Linda also spoke with witness Richard Vick,who described seeing waves of small orange spheres flying in the sky between Kansas City and the suburb, Raytown in June of 2011 (photo below). Numerous other witnesses saw the orbs, and a local TV news station reported on the event, he said. More.

In her third report, Linda shared information on how Solar Cycle 24 could be the last cycle for decades to have any sunspots at all. If that plays out, then, for the first time in 400 years, Earth will go through a solar Grand Minimum like the Maunder Minimum of 1635 to 1715, when Europe went through a 'Little Ice Age.' Solar physicist David Hathaway told her we wouldn't know for sure until 2013, but that the current & upcoming sun cycles offered a good opportunity to study how they affect global warming. In her last report, she spoke with author Philip Coppens about Erich von Daniken's latest book, Odyssey of the Gods, in which he proposes that the Greek Gods were extraterrestrials.
Alien Skulls

First hour guest, researcher Lloyd Pye commented on reports of a "Starchild'-like skull found in Peru. The type of skulls in the news are the same as the 'Coneheads,' which have long been known of, he said. The Coneheads, which are different than the singular Starchild skull he's studied, were typically the product of humans trying to reshape or elongate their skulls. However, Pye suggested that the Coneheads were doing this in order to emulate the appearance of the gods/ETs who had visited their civilizations, and that some of the found skulls could be human-alien hybrids.

News segment guest: Cal Orey



Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles
Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume 2
Starchild Skull Essentials

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.21 - JFK Assassination Special IX - Info

Coast to Coast AM
JFK Assassination Special IX
Date: 11-21-11


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Coast to Coast AM
JFK Assassination Special IX
Date: 11-21-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Mark Lane, Barry Ernest, Cassie Parnau
News segment guests: Robert Zubrin, Greg Hunter

[Quick Info]
In a four-hour special, three guests offer their theories and research regarding the JFK assassination. In order of appearance, attorney Mark Lane presents his conclusion that the CIA plotted the murder of President Kennedy; investigative reporter, Barry Ernest, discusses his decades long search for a woman who witnessed the JFK assassination from a window in the Book Depository; and historian Cassie Parnau shares her investigation into What's My Line panelist and gossip columnist Dorothy Kilgallen's untimely and suspicious death that followed her research into the JFK assassination.

[Full Info]
In a four-hour special, three guests offered their theories and research regarding the JFK assassination. In the first half, attorney Mark Lane presented his conclusion that the CIA plotted the murder of JFK. Lane, who personally knew Pres. Kennedy, immediately became suspicious of the claims that Oswald acted alone. With the emergence of the Zapruder film, showing a bullet hitting JFK from behind, the official story didn't make sense to him. In his interview with witness Jean Hill, she suggested that the fatal gunshot came from a "grassy knoll" on Dealey Plaza, and it was through Lane's repeating this phrase to reporters that "grassy knoll" came into the vernacular.

Two men were seen coming out of the Book Depository building right after the shooting, and were stopped by police, and showed secret service credentials. The men were given these credentials by a special group within the CIA, said Lane. The CIA, which was known for planning the assassinations of heads of state, had according to Pres. Truman "become a danger to America," and JFK (and his brother Robert) were planning on disbanding the organization, before he was killed. The CIA functions as a 4th branch of government, operates without oversight, and is actually more powerful than the other branches, Lane warned.

In the third hour, investigative reporter, Barry Ernest, discussed his decades long search for a woman who witnessed the JFK assassination from a window in the Book Depository-- Victoria Adams. When he found her after 35 years, she confirmed that after she heard the gunshots, she and another witness headed down the stairs, but they did not run into Oswald. This is significant because it indicates that the timing of events as described in the official story was not accurate in terms of when was Oswald went downstairs, he explained, adding that the Warren Commission tried to discredit her testimony.

In the last hour, historian Cassie Parnau shared her investigation into What's My Line panelist and gossip columnist Dorothy Kilgallen's untimely and suspicious death that followed her research into the JFK assassination. Kilgallen was one of the first to say there was something fishy about the Warren Commission's conclusions, and announced she had the biggest scoop yet in the JFK case, just before dying from an overdose of pills and alcohol, Parnau detailed. While Kilgallen did have a substance abuse problem, Parnau doubts she would have killed herself before breaking such a big story. Her files have never been found, including an unpublished interview she did with Jack Ruby, during his trial.

News segment guests: Robert Zubrin, Greg Hunter


Book(s): Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK The Girl on the Stairs

Monday, November 21, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.20 - Financial Fraud - Disaster Preparation - Info

Coast to Coast AM
Financial Fraud - Disaster Preparation


Full Show

Coast to Coast AM
Financial Fraud - Disaster Preparation
Date: 11-20-11
Host: George Knapp
Guests: William K. Black, Matthew Stein

[Quick Info]
In the first half, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, William Black, joins George Knapp for a discussion on how dishonest CEOs, crony directors, and corrupt middlemen can systematically defeat market discipline and conceal deliberate fraud for a long time -- enough to create massive damage.

In the latter half, engineer, author and building contractor, Mat Stein talks about preparing for social collapse, environmental catastrophes and inevitable disasters.

[Full Info]
In the first half, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, William Black, joined George Knapp for a discussion on how our economic crisis has been brought about bydeliberate fraud on the part of banks involved in real estate loans. The household losses in this crisis are estimated at a staggering 11 trillion dollars, hereported (by comparison, the S & L crisis of the 1980s was contained at $150 billion, he noted). Accounting fraud was carried out by mortgage bankers and affiliates of banks that weren't subject to governmental regulation. They issued what he called "liar's loans" that were guaranteed to provide huge bonuses for executives, while setting up home owners to certain failure when the real estate bubble burst, he detailed.

Many predatory mortgage brokers targeted poor people and minorities, inflating appraisals, and debt-to-income ratios in order to qualify them for the loans, hecontinued. By 2006, there were over two million cases of this type of fraud a year, and banks were selling their problematic loans to Wall St. under false pretenses,
said Black, who added that we could be looking at an even more intensified financial crisis down the road because the way government has responded to the crisis (suchas the bank bailout) has made matters worse. For more, see Black's paper: The Virgin Crisis: Systematically Ignoring Fraud as a Systemic Risk.


In the latter half, engineer, author and building contractor, Mat Stein talked about specific disaster scenarios and what we can do to prepare for them. One concernhe cited is the danger from nuclear reactors, which could have power knocked out to them in the event of a strong solar storm
(which happen around every 70 years).

When the reactors' back-up power runs out, there could be multiple nuclear meltdowns, on the level of Fukushima and Chernobyl, he warned. So far, the US government has shown reluctance to spend the money on making the electrical grid less vulnerable.He advocated that people be prepared to make it for a week or a month on their own, in the event of a disaster. Along with food, some type of water filtration system
is crucial, he said, noting that water can actually be disinfected by leaving it in the sun. A head lamp can prove useful in a variety of situations, in which you mayhave to perform certain tasks in the dark, he said. Stein also suggested that people obtain a colloidal silver generator, as a solution made from this can
successfully kill pathogens, and is like having a "pharmacy in a jar."



The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One
When Technology Fails
When Disaster Strikes

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.19 - JFK & The Maury Island UFO Incident - Info

Coast to Coast AM
JFK & The Maury Island UFO Incident
Date: 11-19-11
Host: Ian Punnett


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Coast to Coast AM
JFK & The Maury Island UFO Incident
Date: 11-19-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Kenn Thomas, Christopher Lutz

Kenn Thomas, conspiracy investigator and publisher of Steamshovel Press, revealed the possible connection between the Maury Island UFO Incident and the JFK assassination, as well as discussed other conspiracy related topics.

In the first hour, Christopher Lutz, portrayed numerous times as a child in the Amityville Horror movie series, shared his version of the story.


Parapolitics: Conspiracy in Contemporary America

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.18 - Investigating Demons - Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM
Investigating Demons / Open Lines
Date:     11-18-11


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Coast to Coast AM
Investigating Demons / Open Lines
Date:     11-18-11
Host:     George Noory
Guests:     K.W. Kesler, Open Lines
News segment guests: Jeff Nelken / Douglas Hagmann

[Quick Info]
In the first half, paranormal and occult researcher, K.W. Kesler, will talk about demonic forces and even demonic tribes that live among humans today. He'll open your eyes to what the Bible, churches, and even Satanists never told you about demons. Followed by Open Lines.

[Full Info]
In the first half of the show, paranormal and occult researcher K.W. Kesler provided a brief overview on demons and shared some of his investigations into their demonic activity. Kesler said he was initiated into the world of the paranormal as a teenager, when the confused spirit of a deceased neighbor visited his house and interacted with him. His paranormal research eventually led him into demonology and to houses infested with demons. During one investigation, he reported finding evidence of 12-inch footprints with claws after spreading talcum powder on a home's hard wood floors. Kesler recalled hearing a ghastly shriek from a bedroom and found all of the furniture there turned upside down. Next, an "unearthly rumble, almost like something [was] breaking the time-space barrier, the fabric of known reality," announced the arrival of what he described as a shadow person with glowing red eyes. A Catholic priest was contacted to perform a blessing on the house and afterwards the demonic activity ceased, he added.

Kesler confessed that he was shaken by his most recent case, as he may have inadvertently stumbled upon a possible link between 2012 and the demonic world. According to Kesler, things happened in this house and to this client that he had never seen before, noting an episode where everything in the kitchen cabinets was inexplicably switched with the contents of the refrigerator. Kesler revealed that he asked aloud for the invisible culprit to identify itself and heard a voice on both sides of him whisper the name Lebara—a demon worshipped by the Mayan-related cult of Yoruban. Everybody else experienced this as well, he asserted. Stranger still, Kesler claimed to have witnessed, as it was happening, numerals being scratched into his client's skin. When the unseen assailant finished, the number '406' could be clearly seen, he observed. Kesler said he later realized that there were 406 days from the date of his investigation until December 21, 2012, and believes this could be a sign of biblically catastrophic things to come.


During Open Lines, Tim from Orange, California, recounted a terrifying confrontation he had with a shadowy figure covered in blade-like spines. Tim said he awoke in total blackness and intense pain to find the creature pinning him down against the bed. Miraculously, he was able to get a hold of a stuffed toy rabbit that he had been compelled to buy the day before and was instantly able to move again and free himself. James in Eugene, Oregon, told George about an encounter with the see-through figure of a little girl that he saw standing in his kitchen one night. The entity was able to exit the house through a small crack in the back door, a space far too small for an actual person to fit through, he explained. Athena, a self-professed demonologist from Burbank, California, talked about the time she was investigating a hospital with her paranormal group and came across a red-eyed apparition in a dark corridor. Camera lights momentarily blocked the entity from view, but as soon as they were moved away she found herself standing face to face with a "black blur,” Athena said.

News segment guests: Jeff Nelken / Douglas Hagmann



    Demonology 101

Friday, November 18, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.17 - Physics Milestones


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Coast to Coast AM
Physics Milestones
Date: 11-17-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Clifford Pickover, Bill Mumy, Marc Zicree
News segment guests: John Lott, Dr. Peter Breggin

[Quick Info]
Author of forty books on such topics as mathematics, black holes, and alien life, Cliff Pickover, will discuss his latest work, The Physics Book, exploring the fabric of reality, as well as parallel universes, higher dimensions, time travel, quantum immortality, resurrection, Dyson spheres, and the fact that we really could be living in the Matrix.

First Hour: Actor and musician Bill Mumy reminisces about his roles in Twilight Zone and Lost in Space. Writer Marc Zicree joins the conversation.

[Full Info]
Author of forty books on such topics as mathematics, black holes, and alien life, Cliff Pickover, discussed his latest work, The Physics Book, which presents 250 milestones in the history of physics. The milestones include thought provoking topics such as parallel universes, dark energy, and "quantum immortality," as well as some fascinating curiosities. Quantum immortality, he explained, is based on the idea that in subatomic physics, two different choices are simultaneously possible, thus creating an infinite number of worlds. So, in this 'many worlds' paradigm, you might seem to live forever because there'd always be one reality where you didn't die. Another topic he addressed was the 'Big Rip,' which suggests that the universe is rapidly expanding, and that our solar system could eventually rip apart.

One of the curiosities he spoke about was Dyson Spheres-- a hypothetical proposal by the physicist Freeman Dyson, in which an advanced civilization could make a sphere that surrounds our sun to capture all its energy. Pickover also talked about unusual ancient technology such as the Baghdad Battery and the Antikythera Mechanism, as well as a kind of natural nuclear reactor created two billion years ago.
Sci-Fi Nostalgia

First hour guest, actor and musician Bill Mumy joined George in the studio, to reminisce about his roles in Twilight Zone and Lost in Space, as well as Babylon 5 in the 1990s, where he had to undergo hours-long physical transformations in which foam rubber was glued to his head in order to play the alien, Lennier. Writer Marc Zicree joined the latter part of the conversation, and he & Mumy praised Rod Serling's singular and enduring vision for the Twilight Zone series. Mumy also talked about his new CD, Until the Big Bang Whimpers, and several of the tracks were played as bumper music.

The final half hour featured George's rendition of H.G. Wells' "The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost."

News segment guests: John Lott, Dr. Peter Breggin



The Physics Book
A Beginner's Guide to Immortality
Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.16 - Economic Problems - Ghostly Activities - Info


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Coast to Coast AM
Economic Problems - Ghostly Activities
Date: 11-16-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Craig R. Smith, Annie Wilder

In the first half, author and tangible asset expert Craig R. Smith discussed the economic problems that face the US and the world today, including what he calls the 'Inflation Deception.' We're getting ready to face a 10-30 year period of difficult times in America, as we deal with the last 40 years of "massive increases of personal, government, sovereign debt," he said. "The American people have been deceived to believe we can create money out of thin air, and there'll never be a day of reckoning," but that reckoning began in 2007, and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg, he continued. Further, the government has created what he calls an "inflatocracy," in which people are given money through entitlement programs, but don't produce anything.

The more of anything you create, the less it's worth, and that's what's happening to the US dollar, with the Fed printing more and more currency, he explained. Smith outlined a number of steps people can do to collectively change the situation: Vote inflation out, by electing honest lawmakers; demand our politicians pass balanced budget amendments immediately; allow for alternative currencies and break the dollar's monopoly; create a better and more egalitarian tax system; and consider restoring the gold standard or authorize states to use gold or silver coins.


In the latter half, author Annie Wilder discussed her abilities and connections to the spirit world, the peculiar habits of ghosts, and experiences in the astral world. When she moved into an old house in Hastings, MN, she sensed there was one ghost there, but was surprised to discover a whole array of ghosts who come through via portals at various times. Among the entities she's encountered, was a 5 ft. tall "black blob" that seemed to have an awareness and moved quickly to the front hallway once she spotted it. She's also seen bobbing balls of light in her home, about 12-15 inches in diameter, which she believes are spirit energies of the deceased.

At her previous home in Hudson, WI, Wilder had a bizarre and disturbing etheric/astral vision, in which the walls of her bedroom melted away, and she could see outside where it was winter (when in fact, it was summer). Standing in her yard was a man with a gun, who shot her in the back, and she witnessed the incident from multiple perspectives simultaneously. Wilder also shared trucker's ghost stories (the subject of her forthcoming book), and tips for clearing a home of negative energy, such as using prayer, sage, sea salt, and fresh air, and viewing yourself as an "energy steward" for keeping things positive.

News segment guests: Gerald Celente, Richard C. Hoagland



Crashing the Dollar
The Inflation Deception
Black Gold Stranglehold
House of Spirits and Whispers: The True Story of a Haunted House
Spirits Out of Time: True Family Ghost Stories and Weird Paranormal Experiences

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.15 - Regenerative Medicine - Dulce Base


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Coast to Coast AM
Regenerative Medicine/ Dulce Base
Date: 11-15-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Anthony F. Sanchez, Christian Wilde
News segment guests: Nick Begich, Dr. Robert Manning

[Quick Info]
First Half: Researcher Christian Wilde talks about the emerging field of regenerative medicine; scientists are actually building replacement body parts with stem


2nd Half: Software engineer and UFO researcher, Anthony F. Sanchez, will discuss how the military industrial complex is related to the Greys and UFOs. He'll describe

the alleged technology exchange programs happening at the Dulce base in New Mexico between major defense contractors and aliens, and how Grey technology is being used

to create defense programs that ultimately can be used against the human race.

[Full Info]
In the first half, researcher Christian Wilde talked about the emerging field of regenerative medicine, and how scientists are actually building replacement body parts with stem cells. He announced that Dr. Richard Burt at Northwestern University's School of Medicine has been successfully using patients own bone marrow stem cells to treat a variety of autoimmune diseases like Lupus, and Type 1 Diabetes. It may be possible to expand human lifespan up to around 150 years, Wilde declared, now that replacement organs such as kidneys and livers can be grown in a matter of 6-8 weeks.

He cited an instance where new stem cells were injected into the cadaver heart of a rat, and in a few days it started beating again. And, he added, at the Univ. of Pittsburgh, a Marine who lost his right hand, has had a successful transplant of a cadaver hand. Wilde also spoke about heart health, and the importance of taking homocysteine and CRP (C-Reactive Protein) tests in order to monitor cardiac issues and inflammation. Supplements such as turmeric can reduce inflammation and protect against some cancers, he noted.


In the latter half, software engineer and UFO researcher, Anthony F. Sanchez, presented details about an underground base in Dulce, New Mexico, and its connection to the Greys. Much of his information comes from "Colonel X," a retired military whistleblower, who wishes to remain to anonymous. Col. X told him he was assigned to work at the Dulce base after a 1979 breech in which the military battled the Greys over the human abduction issue, and many people involved in the fight ended up missing or dead. (The violent engagement concurs with the late Phil Schneider's account-- Col. X claims to have met with Schneider).

The Greys are actually not aliens; they were created by a progenitor race here on Earth around 25,000 years ago, Sanchez explained. The Greys are still working out of the Dulce base, as well as at the Pine Gap underground base in Australia, he said. Currently at Dulce, there's conventional weapons development using plasma nuclear technology, bio-experimentation that accounts for the cattle and animal mutilations, and genetic testing that relates to human abductions in the area, he continued.

Bill Birnes appeared briefly to share some of his research into the Dulce base. For his UFO Hunters series, he interviewed police officer Gabe Valdez, who didn't believe aliens were there, but there were strange experiments taking place-- for example, a cow's body with a human head attached to it was found at one point.

News segment guests: Nick Begich, Dr. Robert Manning



UFO Highway

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.11.13 - WWII Secrets - Info

 Coast to Coast AM
WWII Secrets


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Coast to Coast AM
WWII Secrets
Date: 11-13-11
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Douglas Dietrich

Host John B. Wells was joined by renegade historian, Douglas Dietrich, for the full 4 hour program. He revealed a variety of information not told to the American public about WWII and subsequent conflicts. As a Defense Dept. research librarian at the Presidio Military Base in San Francisco, he was responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, and these documents served as a source for some of the data he shared. "There's no denying that the world is far different than what we've come to understand. Everyone looks on WWII as this good war, this fairy tale war, with a big bang ending," but it really was more like Viet Nam with aspects lingering for years after 1945, he said, noting that a peace treaty wasn't signed with Japan until 1951.

At the end of WWII, the United States had 27 million citizens in uniform-- the entire country was militarized, and the military didn't want their power and control to end-- so they kept it going with wars in Korea and Viet Nam, and the continuation of the draft, he outlined. Interestingly, Dietrich contended that the Japanese had developed nuclear bombs (aided by Jewish scientists they had resettled in Oblast), and after Nagasaki, they used these nuclear weapons to stop the Soviets in what is now the Korean demilitarized zone.

The Germans also had developed a nuclear bomb, and fired an atomic warhead in Estonia, "that stopped the Soviets cold; a mushroom cloud that was a full kilometer in diameter with continuous internalization of combustion led to electronic interference with instruments all the way back in London," he detailed. Commenting on why the American public had never learned of these bombings, he said you're only "told enough of the truth to uphold the lie." Dietrich also spoke about Emperor Hirohito's usage of biological weapons, and submarines. In the first hour, he reported on abuse and Satanism that took place at the Presidio base when he worked there in the 1980s.