
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.28 - 'Devil's Toy Box'/ Giza Secrets

'Devil's Toy Box'/ Giza Secrets

'Devil's Toy Box'/ Giza Secrets

Host:George Noory
Guests:Scott CreightonGary OsbornHeidi Grant HalvorsonJoshua P. Warren
In the second half of the show, author & researcher Joshua P. Warren talked about the "Devil's Toy Box," and some of his other investigations into the paranormal. He created and tested out a Devil's Toy Box, a set of square mirrors that form a cube, which can become a focal point for energies reflected into itself. Warren recorded audio from inside the box using a suction cup microphone, and static, thumping sounds, and muffled voices were heard (and played on the show), even though there was silence in the room when he made the recording. He also held the Devil's Toy Box up to Raymond Moody's psychomanteum mirror, and a buzzing, hissing sound emerged which suggested to him that certain objects have an energy field around them that the Toy Box is sensitive to.
"Mirrors occupy a very special place, because they send back to you what you're putting out," Warren noted, and when you set up a space where energy is projected back onto itself, it creates "its own separate little universe," that may open contact with other dimensions. He also discussed his investigation into the anomalous Brown Mountain Lights, and one witness, Tommy Hunter, who in 1982, actually touched one of the balls of lights, and received a shock.
Appearing during the second hour, engineer Scott Creighton who's explored many of the world's ancient sites and hosts the Alternative Egyptology forum on, joined with researcher Gary Osborn, to share their contention that the pyramids of Giza were not created to be tombs, but "recovery vaults" acting as storehouses for tools, seeds, art and sacred texts. It doesn't make sense that the massive pyramids would be built for the tomb of one person, and there is evidence that there was a preconceived plan for the structures at Giza based on the location of stars in the Orion constellation, said Creighton. The two also spoke about Freemasonry architecture which references the angle of the keystone on the Great Pyramid.

Science of Success

First hour guest, social psychologist Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson talked about the science of success. One of the biggest misconceptions about success is that it's based mainly on innate ability, when really it has more to do with actions that we do or do not take, she explained. Having specific goals, and seizing opportunities are two commonalities among successful people. She suggested that instead of creating just a "to-do list," a person make a "to-do, & when & where list," so that tasks can be accomplished at specific times and places, which increases success rates.
News segment guests: Jonathan EmordCapt. Kelly Sweeney

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.27 - Mind & Heart Revelations

Mind & Heart Revelations

Mind & Heart Revelations

Host:George Noory
Guests:Gregg BradenHoward Martin
In the first half, scientist and author Gregg Braden discussed his recent work on discoveries that change the way we think about everything from personal relationships to civilization itself. Studying ancient sites such as Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, which dates back over 11,000 years, he found no evidence for warfare. He believes wars are a manifestation of just the last 5,000 years, and humanity is actually wired for cooperation rather competition. Science continues to promote "false assumptions" such as the idea that civilization began about 5,000 years ago, and nature is based on survival of the strongest, he stated.
Braden cited data from environmental satellites recording the geomagnetic field around the Earth that showed changes in the field that occurred just after the 9-11 attacks (see relatedchart). He attributed these changes to heart-based emotion affecting the field of the planet, and demonstrating that humanity is deeply interrelated with the Earth. We are feeding this field on an ongoing basis, and "when we're out angrily protesting and fighting against the things we don't like, we may actually be contributing to the chaos of the field," instead of building or creating coherence and new models of what we do want, he commented. For more, see a recap of Braden's appearance from last year, as well as this video clip.
In the latter half, Howard Martin, who has for over 30 years, been passionate about advancing human potential and performance, shared compelling research linking heart function with health, emotional well-being and, intelligence-- a function previously thought exclusive to the brain. We know the heart produces the strongest source of bio-electricity in our body, and creates an energetic field around us in the environment, he said, adding that he believes the heart is like a bio-receptor or master control center in our body sending information to the brain and the rest of the body.
Martin spoke about the Global Coherence Initiative (related video), which seeks to unite people, by bringing them into heart coherence. Their goal is to bring about a planetary shift in consciousness, away from war and discord and into a state of peace and cooperation. He outlined a quick coherence technique: Focus on the center of your chest or location of the heart. As you breathe, pretend that your breathe is flowing in and out of the center of your chest. Then, activate a positive emotion such as appreciation for the good things in your life. The combination of these three things brings you into a heart coherent state, where heart & brain synchronize, and you feel more energized, he explained.
News segment guests: Hossein Hedjazi, Gerald Celente

Related Material

Gregg Braden Images
Gregg Braden Images
Gregg Braden (pictured at the excavation of Caral, Peru) sent us several images to accompany his appearance on the 2/27/12 show. View the full set here.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.26 - Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement

Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement

Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement

Host:George Knapp
Guests:Brian HollandCurtiss C. Kull
George Knapp was joined by journalist and radio host Brian Holland, who shared his story of becoming a high ranking member of the White Power movement while simultaneously acting as an informant for the FBI. Holland detailed how, at the age of 18, he joined an organization in Virginia and quickly rose up the ranks of the movement. As his profile grew in the Neo Nazi subculture, Holland became the "national liaison" for a prominent White Power organization, trying to unite smaller groups, and was even named their Presidential candidate in 2008. Holland attributed his position as a public face of the White Power movement to his clean cut image and his understanding that less extreme rhetoric would help to entice new members.
Concurrent to Holland's ascension in the White Power movement, he was surreptitiously working for the FBI to provide them with information on various groups and individuals, beginning in 1999. He explained that the job entailed going to Neo Nazi gatherings as well as meetings with prominent leaders in the movement and then filing reports on the events for the government. According to Holland, at times he was making 7 or 8 thousand dollars a month as an informant and all of that income was tax free. He was also subjected to random polygraph tests to insure that his reports were accurate and that he wasn't withholding information. Based on his experience, including being tasked to infiltrate PETA, Holland surmised that there are government informants in most organizations, regardless of their agendas and beliefs.
Ultimately, and without warning, Holland saw his employment with the FBI terminated and was told that "now you don't exist." He lamented that "with the shake of a bureaucratic hand, the third highest ranking Neo Nazi in the country was put out to pasture after 11 years of risking my life." His break with the government was so stark that they refused to accept further information from him, including insight into a drug and gun smuggling ring that Holland had later uncovered. He expressed some trepidation that a handful of White Power movement members could seek retribution on him for his role as an informant. However, Holland said that he was actually more concerned that reprisal could come from the government, since he has seen, first hand, the depth and scope of their machinations.

Patrick Carnes Disappearance

In the first half hour, undersheriff Curtiss Kull provided an update on the mysterious disappearance of Patrick Carnes. He noted that, following his previous appearance on Coast, it took two and a half weeks to sort through all of the tips that came in from listeners. While some of the information shed light on potential new leads in the case, he said, Carnes' disappearance remains a mystery. Conceding that the length of time since the man vanished suggests a potentially grim outcome, Kull was optimistic that there could still be a potential break in the case. In light of the high traffic area where Carnes disappeared, Kull surmised that "somebody drove by and saw something that is the key to this entire case."

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Knapp's News 2/26/12

Knapp's News 2/26/12
The latest installment of Knapp's News includes his I-Team video report on the Patrick Carnes disappearance as well as articles on a potential 'Robopocalypse,' Google glasses, Daniel Boone's alleged encounter with Bigfoot...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.25 - Psychopaths in Power

Psychopaths in Power

 -Full Show Playlist-

Psychopaths in Power

Date: 02-25-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Jonathan Zap, George Hart
John B. Wells was joined by paranormal researcher and philosopher, Jonathan Zap, for a discussion on how a disproportionate number of psychopaths in positions of power are creating a culture with little concern for the future. He described psychopaths as people who lack the ability to experience the full spectrum of human emotions while also being drawn to power and high stakes environments. Zap dismissed the common misconception that all psychopaths are criminals. "Those are the Neanderthals of the psychopaths," he said, "the others are world leaders and are running economies."
He contended that psychopaths often rise to power because the lack of a conscience gives them a decided advantage over their competitors. Coupled with heightened charisma and confidence, Zap observed, "they are often the most popular people with men and women." While a psychopath's perspective allows for them to make more detached decisions, he said, this same trait is what makes the condition particularly dangerous, since it causes the general population to be viewed as a resource or, even more chillingly, prey. Zap also noted that a psychopath's overwhelming desire for thrillseeking may overrule their normally dispassionate mindset and result in irrational decision making. This scenario, he surmised, is what was at the root of the recent financial meltdown.
While knowledge of psychopaths and their behavior has long existed, Zap noted that modern technology now allows for scientists to actually screen for the condition. He explained that functional MRI scans reveal that, when shown disturbing images or words, the emotional part of their brain does not activate. In light of this newfound potential to identify psychopaths, Zap opined that public pressure on politicians or corporate leaders to reveal their test results could help shed light on the true nature of those in power and also help in assessing who should be leading our society. Additionally, he suggested that using some psychopaths to help police the financial industry, rather than lead it, could help find a balance that stabilizes the economy.

Society's Stupor

In the first hour, physicist George Hart talked about the stupefaction of society and what may be perpetuating it. One factor which he believes has contributed to the "dumbing down" of our culture is the rise of paranoia and conspiracy theories, fueled by events like the JFK assassination and 9/11. The inability to unravel these events, he said, causes collective cultural confusion where "we start to come unglued as a society." Beyond that, Hart mused that the onslaught of data via modern technology has resulted in people becoming "great information consumers, but our decision making seems to have taken a step into the Twilight Zone." To that end, he contemplated that the envelopment of humanity by technology appears to be causing an inability to distinguish "virtual reality" from the real world.

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Earth's Space Junk Problem

Earth's Space Junk Problem
While exploration of space has led to a myriad of advancements for Earth's denizens, there has been one major side effect: space junk. The problem has become so pervasive that the planet currently sits in the midst of a massive 'cloud' of debris which includes spent rockets and dead satellites as well as millions of tiny pieces of space junk. Seen here is an artist's depiction, albeit with the debris enlarged for greater clarity, showing scope of Earth's space junk epidemic. More on the story at



Saturday, February 25, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.24 - The Wrecking Crew/ Open Lines

The Wrecking Crew/ Open Lines


The Wrecking Crew/ Open Lines

Date: 02-24-12
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Open Lines, Kent Hartman, Russ Baker
During the first half of the program, Ian Punnett welcomed author Kent Hartman welcomed author Kent Hartman for a discussion on 'The Wrecking Crew,' a group of the largely unknown and uncredited studio musicians who played on countless classic rock songs. This coterie of artists, he explained, consisted of about two dozen LA-based musicians that were highly skilled at playing rock music in the 1960's. This proficiency led to record labels having them play in the recording studio rather than actual members of many well known rock bands. Since the band members provided the vocals and went on tour performing the songs, Hartman said, the record companies "didn't feel like they were totally lying to you."
Hartman detailed a number of instances where classic songs featured the Wrecking Crew's work instead of the actual bands which were credited with having played the music, including the Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations" as well as the Grass Roots' "Midnight Confession". He also shared the story of how producers actually refused to allow the Byrds to record "Mr. Tambourine Man," since they were considered "novices and incapable of playing at studio quality." As such, the album version of the song consists of the Wrecking Crew's work alongside Roger McGuinn, the only band member allowed to participate. Hartman noted that the recording of the song only took a handful of takes. Conversely, when the Byrds insisted on playing their own instruments for their follow-up song, "Turn, Turn, Turn," it required over 70 takes and days worth of studio time to complete.
During Open Lines, Sid in Abilene, Texas shared the story of two strange encounters from his youth. He recalled seeing a kangaroo in a pasture in front of his house and, later, a six foot tall rabbit in the same area. The kangaroo, he said, was hopping up and down and "kinda waving his front arms at me." Sid expressed mysticism over the nature of these odd events. Other callers included Peter in Minnesota, who recounted his own "pretty scary" experience hearing the "mysterious sounds" phenomenon and Leonse in Louisiana, who was puzzled by how the Piri Reis map could feature a detailed depiction of Antarctica's coastline. Meanwhile, Manuel in Stockton called in to note that, 70 years ago to the night, the Battle of LA was unfolding over the skies of Los Angeles.

O'Reilly & JFK

In the first half hour, author Russ Baker reacted to Bill O'Reilly's impending book on John F. Kennedy which claims to reveal "why his life was cut short." Baker traced O'Reilly's interest in the JFK assassination back to work he did as a newscaster in Dallas in the 1970's as well as later reports on the TV program Inside Edition. According to a former pundit from Fox News who spoke to Baker, O'Reilly frequently tried to do stories on the Kennedy assassination but "top ranked people" at the network "kept stepping on the story." While it would appear, based on his previous work, the book would lend credence to conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination, Baker surmised that "if Bill O'Reilly wants to keep his career at Fox, he is not going to be revealing anything."

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Man-Made 'Snow Circles'

Man-Made 'Snow Circles'
This 'snow circle' from France may appear supernatural, but it actually has a decidedly terrestrial origin. Artist Simon Beck creates his intricate designs by foot, using snowshoes after mapping the designs out with surveying tools and some of the more elaborate creations can take up to five hours to complete. More on the story, including many more images of Beck's creations, can be found at the Daily Mail.



Friday, February 24, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.23 - Unexplained Sounds

Unexplained Sounds

   -Full Show Playlist-

Unexplained Sounds

Date: 02-23-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Stephen Bassett
In three half-hour segments, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the large number of strange and unexplained horn-like sounds filling the air since March 2011 and possible causes. The phenomenon surfaced after a number of videos were uploaded on YouTube from such divergent places as Norway, Costa Rica, Tennessee and Kiev, Ukraine. Recently, Linda interviewed two witnesses in Tennessee, who in separate locations, heard the Kiev-like horn sounds on January 18-19, 2012. One of the witnesses, retired real estate agent Cindy Smith was packing her car for a trip when the air was filled with the Kiev horn sounds coming from every direction. The strange sounds lasted about 30 seconds and left Cindy frightened, wanting to know what happened.
A woman in Topeka, Kansas told Linda she was awakened on September 3, 2011 at her Perry Lake vacation home by the sound of "a television turned on in the distance with voices we could not make out." Yet, as she and her husband discovered, no television was on in their home when the sounds were heard. More here. In January 2012, an Azerbaijan geophysicist named Elchin Khalilov released an article in which he suggested the strange sounds people are hearing are related to "acoustic-gravity waves caused by powerful solar flares and plasma emissions from the sun." However, when Linda interviewed NASA solar physicist David Hathaway he doubted that solar activity could be connected with the sounds. Read her full interview with him.
Linda raised an interesting hypothesis-- "what if some of the strange sounds heard around the world...were part of an American government test of what some have called 'voice of God' weapons?" Around the time of 9-11, there were rumors that the Defense Dept. wanted to try sending directed sound waves into the minds of Middle East terrorists, she noted. Linda also presented a report on the increased number of dolphins stranded and dying in Cape Cod & the New Jersey shore since January 2012. She spoke with marine biologist Trevor Spradlin who found the incidents to be unprecedented and perplexing.

New Disclosure Petition

First hour guest, UFO disclosure activist Stephen Bassett talked about a new petition he is spearheading, which is posted on the White House/We the People website. In response to a previous petition, the Obama administration declared that the US govt. has no knowledge of ET contact, so the new petition asks for information related to the Rockefeller Initiative which was said to investigate the ET question during the Clinton administration. Bassett noted that the new petition needs to get 25,000 signatures in order to receive a response from the government.
News segment guests: Steve Shenk, Christian Wilde




Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.22 - Earth Changes & Golden Cities

Earth Changes & Golden Cities

 -Full Show Playlist-

Earth Changes & Golden Cities

Date: 02-22-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Lori Toye, Arthur Rosengarten
Known for her Earth changes prophecies, and the I AM America Map which shows vast swaths of North America submerged, Lori Toye (blog) discussed her latest work on the vital role of the 'Golden Cities' – possible safe places during cataclysmic changes. These spiritual havens, which are situated on interconnecting ley lines, will aid in the reconstruction of sustainable communities for future generations, she said, adding that there are five such areas in the United States each 270 miles across-- Gobean (Arizona & New Mexico including Pinetop, AZ), Malton (Illinois & Indiana including Mattoon, IL), Wahanee (Georgia & South Carolina including Augusta, GA), Shalaha (Montana & Idaho including Missoula, MT), and Klehma (Colorado, Kansas, & Nebraska including Cope, CO). Internationally, there are a total of 51 golden cities, she stated.
Toye, who receives her information in a trance state from spirit beings or "master teachers," noted that some of the Earth changes may not be as drastic as originally depicted on her maps (such as the entire West Coast underwater). Prayer and enlightened human consciousness can positively affect circumstances, she pointed out. In a forthcoming book, she'll be revealing a new map which shows Earth in the distant past when lands such as Rama, Mu, Atlantis, and Amaru (where the US now is) once existed.
According to her sources, as we move into the "new times," there'll be a whole new generation of souls (like the Indigo children) that will help raise the Earth's vibration. We'll learn how to tap into specific areas of the Earth, and develop interdimensional travel, she continued. Yet, we'll be faced with dramatic earth changes over the next century, such as an asteroid or meteor impact in the Nevada desert that will set off a series of cataclysms including earthquakes, volcanoes, non-stop rain, and a possible pole shift, she cautioned.

Psychology of Tarot

First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten spoke about using Tarot cards for self-exploration, problem-solving, & spiritual reflection. While the cards can be used for divination, he believes they are most compelling in looking at a person's present circumstance. There are established meanings for the different cards in the Tarot deck, but the reader brings in their own personality and interpretation to a given reading, he noted. Modern oracles such as Tarot and the I Ching offer three things-- they translate a problem or question into an image language, they mirror unconscious forces, and they capitalize on communication from the inner spirit, he detailed.
News segment guest: Craig Hulet



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.21 - Mind Power & Change

Mind Power & Change

 -Full Show Playlist-

Mind Power & Change

Date: 02-21-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Joe Dispenza, Matthew Stein
Combining the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, biology, and genetics, Dr. Joe Dispenza discussed how to create change and a new reality for oneself. By the time a person has reached the age of 35, "we've memorized a set of behaviors, emotional reactions, and thought patterns" that have become 95% of our identity..."then, the greatest habit we have to break is the habit of being ourselves," he commented. By repeating the same routines day after day, "we begin to hard wire our brain into very specific patterns that reflect our external world," so to effect change we have to think beyond the environment and conditions in our life, he continued.
Dispenza spoke about "demystifying the mystical," and using meditation to become aware of how thoughts and emotions are functioning-- how a person can see past their mental programming, and identify as the consciousness observing the program. "Meditation, then, is the unlearning process-- it's to become aware of the old self, the aspects of our selves we want to change by going into the operating system of those subconscious programs and bringing them into our conscious awareness so that we have dominion over them," he explained.
Through meditation, we can slow brain wave patterns down, and move into greater coherence, so that one isn't knocked out of balance by external and emotional factors, Dispenza detailed. He also talked about the notion of neuroplasticity-- the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, such as through the process of learning, as well as people who who've experienced spontaneous remissions from illnesses-- they've actually changed their mind, which then changed their health.

Solar Storms & the Grid

First hour guest, engineer and author Mat Stein talked about the possibility of solar flares or storms knocking out the electric grid. Such storms took place in 1859 and 1921, and we are statistically due for another such event, especially with the solar maximum coming up, he noted. In the event of severe solar activity, the electric grid could be knocked out for months or years, because transformers are so difficult to replace, he said. Stein suggested the implementation of a new vacuum tube technology that would protect transformers from melting down-- though the cost of this would be around $1 billion.
News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Dr. Leonard Coldwell

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Newly Discovered 'Waterworld'

A new type of alien world some 40 light-years away has been detected by Hubble. Pictured in this artist's conception, the watery super-Earth orbits a red dwarf star, and is believed to have a thick atmosphere. More here.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.20 - Space Missions/ Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy

Space Missions/ Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy

 -Full Show Playlist-

Space Missions/ Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy

Date: 02-20-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Douglas Hamp, Richard C. Hoagland
In the first half, head of Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, talked about the 50th anniversary of astronaut John Glenn's orbiting the Earth, as well as America's future in space exploration. He noted how tiny the craft was in Glenn's historic mission-- they "literally wriggled him in there with a shoehorn and he was surrounded by equipment, and panels, and periscope, and then they sealed him in there." The event was televised live by NASA, and he did three orbits in a little over 5 hours, before he splashed down in the South Atlantic, after a harried re-entry, Hoagland recounted.
Hoagland cited Senator Glenn's cameo appearance on the sitcom Frasier in 2001, where he told of seeing "strange things" in space, as perhaps being more grounded in truth than comedy (text/video). Glenn, now 90, recently bemoaned the fact that the US currently has no space vehicle, and that NASA must rely on the Russians to transport Americans to the ISS. Hoagland suggested that a discovery of life in our solar system, such as by the Martian rover Curiosity, could act as a game changer, and reinvigorate NASA and the US government to launch manned space missions.
In the latter half, Hebrew scholar and expert in biblical prophecy, Douglas Hamp, warned that we're entering into an era of genetic manipulation that will set the stage for celestial intervention into the affairs of mankind. He predicted that within the next ten years a major disclosure event will take place which will convince the public to cooperate with aliens (who are actually demons rather than ETs) to participate in the next level of evolution. These aliens are using a hybridization program, mixing human genetics with the Satanic, in order to create an army to fight Jesus upon his return, he postulated. Further, he suggested that the hybrids might be currently kept in underground facilities.
He correlated such beings with biblical accounts, in which the Nephilim or fallen angels, mated with human females, and had offspring, some of whom were said to be giants. Scientific tampering with the genetic code, such as with recombinant DNA, may lead to the possibility that people will be offered genetic enhancements, and if they accept them they'll be turned into Satanic hybrids, akin to the Bible's 'mark of the beast,' Hamp commented.
News segment guests: Mish Shedlock, Hossein Hedjazi

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50th Anniv. of Glenn's Spaceflight

Today is the 50th anniversary of John Glenn's 1962 space flight, when he became the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. Check out a Universal Newsreel that documents the occasion.



Monday, February 20, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.19 - Investigating UFOs

Investigating UFOs

 -Full Show Playlist-

Investigating UFOs

Date: 02-19-12
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Kevin D. Randle, Lee Speigel
Joining George Knapp, author Kevin Randle discussed his decades-long work as a UFO investigator, and some of the most significant cases he's examined. A former Captain in the Air Force, he described himself as a "skeptical believer," who accepts the idea that we've been visited by extraterrestrials but thinks these visitations are "not nearly as widespread as a lot of the other UFO researchers would have us believe." There were a lot of robust sightings in the 1940s-1970s, but since that time UFO flaps have tapered off to a large degree, he commented.
As for the best type of proof for the phenomenon, Randle cited "chains of evidence," such as when radar data can be correlated with pilot sightings, like what occurred in a 1952 Washington DC incident. Regarding photographic documentation, it can be proved that the Air Force doctored film of a 1950 incident in Great Falls, Montana to cover-up evidence of a disc-shaped craft, he reported. He named the Levelland,TX UFO sightings of 1957 as one of the strongest cases, in which an object interacted with the environment, stalling car engines, dimming headlights, and filling radios with static-- there were witnesses in thirteen separate locations in the area, he detailed.
One intriguing case involved the testing of a metal sample said to come from an exploding UFO in Ubatuba, Brazil. The sample was at first thought to be composed of pure magnesium (which would suggest an ET origin), but Randle has questioned the purity and provenance of the material (more info). He also spoke about his in-depth investigation of the Roswell Incident, and how military witnesses may yield the most substantial data in the case, as some civilian testimonies have proved to be unreliable over the years.

Hoaxes & Misidentifications

First hour guest, Huffington Post writer Lee Speigel talked about how most reports of UFOs and extraordinary creatures & events are either hoaxed or cases of misidentification. Recent examples include a report of unexplained metal boxes found on an Oregon beach (they actually may have been floating devices that drifted away from docks) and a supposed video of a woolly mammoth recorded in Siberia. We live in a era "where it's just become too easy to create hoaxes and fakery jobs on the Internet. The sophistication of computer programs is now watering down all the good cases," he lamented.

Related Material

Video: Randle vs. Klass
Video: Randle vs. Klass
Check out a debate about Roswell between Kevin Randle and Phil Klass originally broadcast on Larry King Live on June 28, 1997.

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Knapp's News 2/19/12

Knapp's News 2/19/12
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Mountain man scares owners of remote Utah cabins
What’s Under Lake Vostok?
Merging Man and Machine: Singularity vs. Humanity
Who Tried to Kill Frank Lefty Rosenthal?
300k farmers hope for lawsuit against Monsanto
Will Nuclear Megaton Shockwave Avert Earthbound Asteroid?



Sunday, February 19, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.18 - Self-Transformation & Development

Self-Transformation & Development


Self-Transformation & Development

Date: 02-18-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: William Whitecloud, Howard Bloom
Self-help author William Whitecloud spoke about his book, The Magician's Way, in which he presents secrets to creating a wonder-filled magical life through inner 'alchemical' transformation. Whitecloud revealed that he had suffered from a mysterious long-term illness which caused a drastic decline in his physical and mental health. He said his condition got so bad that he needed to carry a note with his name and address, in case he forgot who he was and where he lived. After a decade of continued deterioration, Whitecloud recalled the day he met a man who claimed to know what was wrong with him. The cure he proposed included eating red meat, drinking coffee and wine, and smoking cigarettes, as well as a daily walk, he explained. Whitecloud noted that he bounced back almost immediately from what he ultimately learned was an 'illness of spirit'.
According to Whitecloud, we all have a natural ability that is perfectly capable of taking care of us in every sense. However, this inherent capacity is suppressed by strict notions of how things work, he warned. "Your reality is created by your focus," he said. Focusing on the process too strongly sends a subconscious message that the power to change one's life is external, Whitecloud explained, noting that this is a false orientation based on societal conditioning. Whitecloud encouraged listeners to engage their creative spirits by asking what it is they want in life and allowing that end result to exist. Do not talk yourself out of it or worry about how it will happen, he cautioned. Acknowledging what you really want in life, without fear or dismissal, will encourage and compel you to advance down the path of your power, Whitecloud imparted.

Space Launch System Update

In the first hour, multi-disciplinary scientist Howard Bloom commented on the proposed Space Launch System (SLS), and the future of the U.S. space program. Bloom referred to the SLS as the Pork in Space System, noting it is sponsored by a senatorial 'cabal of porkanauts' to save jobs in their home states. It's a rocket that no one can afford to fly, he argued, estimating the launch cost at approximately $10,000-$26,000 a pound. SpaceX, a private space transport company, can put payload into space for 1/30th the cost, Bloom continued. He referenced Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser flight test vehicle as another inexpensive alternative to the SLS. According to Bloom, the new budget, which includes funding for the SLS, would cut resources to NASA's Commercial Crew and Cargo Program—the fund that supports private companies (like SpaceX and Sierra Nevada) in their quest to develop space transportation solutions. He also lamented the death of the U.S. Mars program and the fact that America no longer has any vehicle capable of taking American astronauts into space.

Related Material

Howard Bloom Images
Howard Bloom Images
The following image of Sierra Nevada's flight test vehicle was provided by Howard Bloom to accompany his appearance on the 2/18/12 show. View another image.



Saturday, February 18, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.17 - Dreams & Nightmares / Open Lines

Dreams & Nightmares / Open Lines

  -Full Show Playlist-

Dreams & Nightmares / Open Lines

Date: 02-17-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Nicole Sebastian, Open Lines
In the first half, George Noory welcomed dream expert Nicole Sebastian for a discussion on dreams and nightmares. A nightmare is a strong message about something that is occurring in one's life, Sebastian explained, noting that once decoded a nightmare never returns. "The more we're in alignment with our true purpose... the nightmares naturally dissipate," she said. Sebastian cited a client plagued by nightmares about her spouse cheating on her, and discovered a few weeks later that he had been. Sebastian believes that dreams, along with intuition and signs, provide a way to know something with 100% certainty.
About ninety percent of dreams are prophetic and most often they will directly pertain to the dreamer's own life, she revealed. Sebastian recommended tracking dreams in a journal and reviewing for prophetic content every few months. As an example, she recalled a dream she had written down about a woman with short dark hair moving to Detroit. Sebastian said she initially dismissed the dream, until several months later, when she pulled into the Motor City sporting a new short hair style and color, and discovered the dream had been about her.
Sebastian provided tips for remembering dreams. Everyone dreams four to six times a night, she said. Merely intending to remember a dream before going to bed will greatly assist recall, as well as making a 'hue' sound, and keeping your eyes closed upon waking up, Sebastian continued. The latter allows one to remain connected to the places that were visited in the dream, she added. Sebastian also spoke about the power of dreams to provide answers to life's problems, how to re-script a nightmare, and the way to overcome demonic dreams with spiritual insulation provided by the 'hue' technique.
During Open Lines, Thomas in Marina Del Rey, California, recalled seeing a shadow figure in his dreams after his mother passed away from stage IV cancer. At first, Thomas said he was nervous about his encounter with the dark being, until one night a calm washed over him and he realized the shadowy presence was his deceased mom. "I knew it was her in the dreams because I would see the shadow of her hat," he said. Barry from Rock Hill, South Carolina, told George that he used to live in Homestead, Florida—home of Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle. While there Barry met a man who had occasionally assisted Leedskalnin in the construction of his megalithic wonder. According to him, Coral Castle was built, at least in part, with the "extra special help" of extraterrestrials. At the end of the program, George played a recording of him singing Elvis' hit song, Can't Help Falling In Love.
News segment guests: Jerome Corsi / John Lott

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.16 - NDEs & Afterlife - Area 51 & Economy

NDEs & Afterlife - Area 51 & Economy

  -Full Show Playlist-

NDEs & Afterlife - Area 51 & Economy

Date: 02-16-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Chuck Harder, David Bennett
In the first half of the show, author David Bennett talked about transformative experiences and the afterlife. During his own near-death experience that occurred when he drowned while deep sea diving, he sensed a transforming light, his vision became spherical, and he felt himself to be a being of light. He underwent an intense life review where he saw not only his perspective but "everyone else's perspective-- I felt their fear, their pain, their love, their joy," he said, noting that he also had a vision of his future. The light, composed of millions of interactive fragments, spoke to him and told him that it was not his time, and that he must return to his body because he had a purpose to fulfill.
Upon his return, he found his life had dramatically changed, with increased intuitions and the ability to see auras, though at the time he struggled to share this with the people he knew. We all have guidance within us, and the potential to touch our higher consciousness and be awakened by it, he commented, adding that meditation is one avenue to experience this. There are moments in our life where we can find some stillness, and "when we do that, spirit is quietly waiting for us," he said.

In the latter half, former syndicated talk show host and owner of the People's Radio Network, the legendary Chuck Harder discussed how he was one of the first to break the Area 51 story in 1987, how he predicted the decline of the U.S. manufacturing base over 20 years ago, and what he advocates to fix the economy. He interviewed Bob Lazar on his radio show in 1987, and he "told a very well laid out story of how he was hired by naval intelligence," to work on alien craft at a unit in Area 51 that was made for smaller sized people. He was impressed that Lazar's story remained absolutely consistent in its details in interviews in the years that followed. After he interviewed Lazar, Harder was sent various alien and UFO photos. One of them (which subsequently became known as the Amoco Alien) impressed him with its photographic details, and difficulty to fake during the time frame of the late 1980s.
One of Harder's ideas to bring manufacturing back to the US involves initiating a credit card called the "Americard," which could only be used to purchase American-made goods, and would give tax benefits to the user based on the amortization of the products. Additionally, he suggested that America change the color of its money, which would immediately make the drug money filling warehouses, worthless. He also talked about the dangers of an EMP attack, and mentioned that he'd co-developed two patents on how to harden the power grids, which he is giving away on his website (PDF file).
News segment guests: Katherine Albrecht, Catherine Austin Fitts