
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.13 - Positive Thinking & Beliefs

Positive Thinking & Beliefs

Positive Thinking & Beliefs

Date: 03-13-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Eldon Taylor, Lynne D. Kitei M.D.
A doctor of psychology, Eldon Taylor is an expert in mind control and brainwashing. He discussed his work on the power of positive thinking and beliefs, and how our mind holds the key to success and failure, sickness and health. In many instances, belief has defied laws of science such as in the case of miraculous recoveries or levitation, he reported. However, it's not just about optimistic thinking, because sometimes this approach can be self-destructive, with a person overlooking dangers or failing to recognize opportunities. It's about examining the beliefs that we have-- most people are actually sabotaged by their belief system, more than they are assisted by it, he revealed. For example, many tell themselves they are unable to do a certain task or skill.
By examining one's belief system, and discovering inconsistencies and beliefs that fail to serve us, a person can move toward a life with more integrity and concern for others, Taylor commented. He touched on his work with subliminal suggestion and noted how commercials reinforce the idea that the viewer is deficient in something, which sends a negative message to people who are typically in a hyper-suggestible state while watching TV. "We are our own worst enemies," and have to rise above all this negative programming, he continued.

Dr. Taylor introduced the concept of "falsophrenia," in which people are leading unexamined lives, with their goals induced by media messages. "We're frenetic about consumption," driven by a force he called "more"-- more security, possessions, money, time, power. All of that comes because we haven't stopped long enough to find out who we really are, he said. "Talking to ourselves in a positive way, the way we would talk to a loved one, does indeed make a significant difference," he added.

Phoenix Lights Anniversary

On this night, the 15th anniversary of the unexplained "Phoenix Lights" sightings, Dr. Lynne Kitei reviewed the case, in the first hour of the show. There were multiple events, over many hours on the night of March 13, 1997, which the military tried but failed to reenact several years later, she noted. It was estimated that over 10,000 witnesses saw the lights, some of whom described a two-mile-wide ship with windows that had orbs leaving the main craft, she detailed. For more, view a trailer of Dr. Kitei's documentary on the subject.
News segment guests: Greg Hunter, Mish Shedlock

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.12 - Future Science/ UFO Secrecy

Future Science/ UFO Secrecy

Future Science/ UFO Secrecy

Date: 03-12-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Michio Kaku, Grant Cameron
In the first half, theoretical physicist, author, and popularizer of science, Dr. Michio Kaku, talked about some of the startling changes we'll see in 10-30 years, based on technological advances. For instance, computer chips will cost a penny, and the Internet will be in your glasses or contact lenses. "You'll blink and basically you'll go online. And when you see your friends, you'll see their face, and their biography will emerge next to their face, and if they speak Chinese to you...your contact lens will translate into English," he detailed. We'll also have driverless cars, which he foresees will save thousands of lives.
We're already seeing amazing medical advances take shape, such as the ability to grow new organs from our cells. This means people won't die because of organ failure anymore, he declared. Further, we'll see MRI devices the size of a cell phone that will function like the tricorder depicted in Star Trek, as well as animations of doctors that can be called up at home to answer 99% of our medical questions, he continued. Superior cancer treatments using nanoparticles will replace chemotherapy, he added. Dr. Kaku also talked about parallel universes, and multiverses, and how experiments with the Hadron Collider may prove the validity of String Theory.

In the latter half, UFO researcher Grant Cameron discussed UFO secrecy and interest amongst US presidents and various politicians. He recently posted the UFO files of Senator Barry Goldwater, who had a long standing fascination with the subject. Goldwater, who at one time was the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, knew pilots who'd personally seen UFOs, and his documents show he attempted to gain access to the "blue room" of Wright Patterson AFB that Gen. Curtis Lemay told him about, Cameron reported. The "blue room" was rumored to possibly contain alien bodies and hardware.
Cameron has concluded that UFO secrecy has to do with military technology-- countries don't want to share advancements they've gleaned from UFOs because it takes them so long to develop it. Further, most of government, possibly including presidents, are unaware of UFO secrets, because they are "deep black" projects, without paper trails, he suggested. Interestingly, mental phenomena/consciousness may turn out to be a key aspect of the whole UFO mystery, and the alien presence may be asserting control over our thought processes, he further theorized.
News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Richard C. Hoagland

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Test-Tube Hamburger

While reports came out today that consuming too much red meat may shorten your lifespan, at Masstricht University in the Netherlands, scientists are working on creating a test-tube hamburger that could be ready by October. The project, funded by an anonymous investor, involves the use of a cow's stem cells to grow strips of muscle tissue. Growing meat this way could be a boon to the planet, researchers say, citing environmental devastation from conventional livestock production. More here

Monday, March 12, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.11 - American Monsters

American Monsters

American Monsters

Date: 03-11-12
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Scott Poole, Dr. Sky, Lynne D. Kitei M.D.
Ian Punnett was joined by Professor of History, Scott Poole, for a discussion of how the monster, in all its various forms, has been a staple of American culture since the earliest settlers of the country. "Academics ought to take monsters seriously," Poole said, explaining that, regardless of the veracity of their existence, the belief in these entities "has real world effects in the material structures of society." To that end, he was reticent to provide "an abstract definition of a monster" because their identity and meaning have changed over time. "Monsters are products of the context that they come out of," he said, noting that, during different eras, monsters could be sea serpents, serial killers, or "the thing with a thousand eyes."
Tracing this concept back to the very beginnings of America, Poole observed that the early Puritan settlers arrived in the New World actually expecting monsters, which is what informed their perception of the Native Americans. He cited a long standing written history in Europe which suggested "monstrous races that were out beyond where the maps ended." As such, Poole said, when the settlers arrived in the New World, their intention was not to convert the Native Americans, but to eliminate the "monsters" which they so greatly feared. Beyond the Native Americans, he said, early settlers believed they were surrounded by Satanic forces and, thus, were troubled by the concept of witches as monsters and even regarded black bears as "diabolical creatures."
Looking at monsters in modern times, Poole pointed to the emergence of zombies in pop culture as a glimpse into the psyche of the contemporary populace. He observed that the popularity of zombies coincides with America becoming greatly fearful of viral outbreaks as well as obsessed with body image. He likened the zombie to "the ultimate nightmare of American culture's fascination with bodily fulfillment," since it is a decaying version of the human form that is "hungry all the time." Additionally, he surmised that zombies represent "our relationship with the dead" as well as people who are disconnected from society. Over the course of the evening, Poole also discussed the societal implications of other "monsters" like Bigfoot, werewolves, and the Jersey Devil.

The Phoenix Flash

In the first hour, astronomer Dr. Sky and researcher Lynne Kitei discussed the mysterious flash which appeared in the Phoenix sky during a TV news traffic report. Dr. Sky said that there appears to be no meteorological reason for the event and also dismissed the idea that it could have been caused by methane gas being released from Earth, despite similar reports which happened prior to the Japanese earthquake last year. He also expressed skepticism that it was UFO related, since the flash was a "ground up event" and did not display the characteristics of classic UFO reports. Kitei revealed that she actually appeared on this same FOX station over the weekend and that she was told that both the local utility companies and the nearby Air Force base had no explanation for the flash.

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Mystery Flash over Phoenix

A seemingly innocuous newscast in Phoenix on Thursday morning has yielded a baffling enigma as, over the shoulder of the reporter, a bright flash of light appeared in the sky. Meteorologists and electric companies have dismissed prosaic explanations for the event, which is drawing comparisons to the famed Phoenix Lights incident which occurred in the same skies nearly 15 years ago. More on the story, including video of the incident, at the Huffington Post.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.10 - Japan Disaster - Sinister NWO

Japan Disaster - Sinister NWO

Japan Disaster - Sinister NWO

Date: 03-10-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: John Scura, Douglas Dietrich
John B. Wells was joined by journalist John Scura who discussed globalism as plotted by powerful bankers and business people who wish to end our national sovereignty. "For generations, they've had this vision of creating a one world government with a single currency and a single religion and so forth," he said about the agenda of the "puppet masters" running the planet. While such a unified Earth may sound benevolent, Scura asserted that the true goal is to achieve total control over the populace. "These people just want us all off their planet," he lamented, "they've got that kind of arrogance and ruthlessness about them."

Driving this agenda, Scura said, is a group of powerful families, such as the Rockefellers, who have asserted their influence over the United States, via secretive groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, with the aim of bringing the US into a world government. He explained that these groups act as the true policy makers in America and that "the CFR is embedded in every administration," regardless of political affiliation. Beyond that, Scura maintained that the Federal Reserve acts a key weapon of the elite as it allows for them to manipulate the world economy to their own ends. As such, he suggested that the Great Depression as well as the current financial crisis were both events which were orchestrated by the power brokers to further consolidate their own power and instigate an eventual global government.

Looking ahead to the future, Scura presented a grim outlook for America as this agenda unfolds. "A fascist state is already in writing," he said about the many post-9/11 laws which curtail civil liberties, "it just needs an emergency to put into effect." To that end, he was skeptical about the true nature of the infamous FEMA camps, which are said to be designed for natural disaster survivors, since they feature double-fenced perimeters and watchtowers. Chillingly, he also revealed that, contained within the Health Care Bill, is a mandate which states that "no medical care will be given to patients that have no RFID implants." Ultimately, Scura was pessimistic about halting what appears to be an inexorable pace towards a new world order, saying "these men are so powerful and their plan is so far along that I don't have any magic wand that I could suggest to people."

Behind the Japan Disaster

In the first hour, renegade historian Douglas Dietrich reflected on the anniversary of Japan's earthquake and tsunami disaster. While he conceded that the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power facility was caused by the earthquake, Dietrich contended that, simultaneously, a "cyber virus disabled the plant's automated safety systems." Additionally, Dietrich suggested that the earthquake, itself, may have been created by nefarious forces in Japan. He pointed to the terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo, which, Dietrich claimed, has been involved in a "secret energy weapons arms race with the United States." According to him, earthquakes in Australia in 1993 and Osaka in 1995 have suspicious connections to Aum Shinrikyo, specifically the latter quake which was predicted by the group's leader a mere nine days before it happened.

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After the Japan Disaster

After the Japan Disaster
Last year's dual earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan unleashed enormous devastation on the country, but the recovery effort has removed much of the rubble from the event. Giant swaths of barren land now sit where there were once thriving towns and previously impassable roadways, clogged with the debris of the disaster, are once again seeing regular traffic. The New York Times provides a special interactive side-by-side look at areas of Japan in the days after the event and those same places one year later. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.09 - Weird Missouri/ Open Lines

Weird Missouri/ Open Lines

Weird Missouri/ Open Lines

Date: 03-09-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: James Strait, Open Lines
In the first half, author and radio host, Jim Strait, discussed his research into weird Missouri including tales of UFOs, haunted railroad tracks, and eccentric personalities in the "Show Me State." One the many stories he shared was the case of a bizarre cattle mutilation that happened in the city of Elsbury in the late 1970's. According to Strait, a farmer had been missing some cattle and happened upon one of his cows which appeared to be resting under a tree. When the farmer got closer, he realized that the cow had been mutilated. Noticing an abundance of branches and twigs around the slain animal, the farmer looked up and saw "an obvious, clear pathway where this cow had fallen through the tree." Eerily, on the tree debris that was strewn around the cow were "thousands of flies that were heated and plasticized to the branches."
Beyond the paranormal, Strait also recounted odd events in Missouri's history such as thrillseeking pilots flying through the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and skydivers who attempted to land on the monument. Additionally, he told the story of how the events of 9/11 serendipitously led to the discovery of the oldest cave in North America. He explained that the highway department was drilling blasting holes into a hillside, but had to stop early after the attacks in New York prompted a cease order from the government. Shortly thereafter, in light of safety concerns, permission was granted to detonate the charges they had already placed into the ground. The blast resulted in revealing a cave that was 1.4 million years old and contained a wealth of archaeological evidence. Had the blasting project not been interrupted, the cave would have been destroyed and its treasures never discovered.
During Open Lines, Tom in Seattle put forward his theory on what is behind the orb phenomenon. He suggested that the objects are remote piloted vehicles featuring an "all aspect camera" and controlled by extraterrestrial in space, who place their consciousness into the orbs. Tom surmised that they are used by the ETs as a way of circumventing rules about the entities making themselves known to humans. He based the concept on his own personal history with UFOs and their occupants, since he claimed to have had "48 alien contacts and visitations to my home." As a result of these encounters, he contended that the information about orbs was "left in my mind and has come to the surface."

Later in the evening, Steve in Louisiana revealed a story from his youth which he had never told anyone in 22 years. He recalled being sixteen and smoking a cigarette in his neighborhood park at around 10 o'clock in the evening. He was then approached by a mysterious person who asked for a light for his cigarette. Steve lit the man's cigarette and then, by chance, looked him in the eyes and saw that they were like "the blackest liquid oil or tar you've ever seen." Paralyzed by shock and thinking about how surreal the sight was, the stranger saw Steve's reaction and unleashed a sinister laugh. As the man was walking away, Steve "defrosted" and called out to him. Undeterred, the mysterious entity kept going and, after a few steps, disappeared by leaping over a brick wall.
News segment guest: Dr. Leonard Coldwell

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Airport of the Future?

Vertical lifting airplanes, algae farms creating jet fuel, and rooftop locales are some of the innovative concepts put forward by architecture students in a contest aimed at designing the airport of the future. Seen here is the winning design, from over 200 entries, which imagined a triangular airport created using man-made islands on London's River Thames. More on the story at Wired

Friday, March 9, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.08 - Spiritual States & the Brain

Spiritual States & the Brain

Spiritual States & the Brain

Date: 03-08-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Kevin Nelson, R. Gary Patterson
World-renowned neurologist Dr. Kevin Nelson discussed his thirty years of cutting-edge research in the field of near-death experience (NDE), and how spirituality is experienced in the brain. "In many ways, near-death experience is the dominant spiritual experience of our time, it's how we touch what we consider to be divine," he said. Yet, with his focus on brain function, he suggested that the concept of life-after-death is a non-science issue that relates more to an individual's faith. Interestingly, he reported that by stimulating a region of the temporal parietal area of the brain with an electrical current, and out-of-body experience can be produced at the flip of a switch.
He outlined some of the "borderlands of consciousness," states that fall between consciousness and unconsciousness, when the brain is not getting enough blood flow. For instance, when a person faints or goes into cardiac arrest, sometimes their eyes remain open, and they are seeing and hearing what is going on, even if they can't communicate. Nelson cited the case of a woman named Jan who was accidentally shot and had a near-death experience during surgery, while she was still awake. "When my heart was being massaged, I became aware of a faint light off to my left. When I noticed it, an incredible sense of love, comfort, and caring washed over me. I then sensed the presence of my deceased mother, telling me it was not yet my time to die and that she would help me," she said.
The brain has three different states, awake, asleep, and asleep with REM, though there can be mixtures such as awake + REM (which is sometimes associated with sleep paralysis hallucinations). During the REM state, the brain's visual system is robustly activated, but the dorsal lateral area of the brain which governs logic is deactivated, which explains why bizarre elements of dreams are accepted as real, he noted, adding that this may also be a factor in NDEs. Dr. Nelson plans to study fainting in laboratory conditions, as it's a model of altered consciousness that can be safely recreated.

Patterson Commentary

First hour guest, rock historian R. Gary Patterson talked about some of the recent deaths in the music industry such as Whitney Houston. He also commented on how the music world has changed with the rise of digital tracks, streaming audio, and star-making shows like American Idol and The Voice. Check out a video clip Gary sent us from his DVD, "Take a Walk On the Darkside: Rock and Roll Myths, Legends and Curses."
News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Jerome Corsi

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.07 - Asteroids/ Paranormal Tales

Asteroids / Paranormal Tales

Asteroids / Paranormal Tales

Date: 03-07-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Daniel Durda, Lionel Fanthorpe
In the first half, planetary scientist Daniel Durda talked about Near Earth asteroids, and the possibility of a mid-sized one, 2012 DA14, hitting us in 2013. The 150 ft. wide object (much smaller than Apophis) won't collide with Earth when it makes a close approach on Feb. 15th, 2013, he said, but its subsequent pass in 2020 could be of concern. We don't have enough information yet about what its orbit will look like at that time, he noted. A lot of recent asteroid & comet discoveries are being made by amateur astronomers, who ironically sometimes have better equipment and more time than the professionals, he commented.
Another asteroid of concern is 2011 AG5. About the size of a football stadium, it could cause a crater in the ground if it impacted Earth. It's going to make a near approach in February of 2023, and if it passes through in a certain way (a 1 in 625 chance), it could hit us on a return passage in 2040, he warned. Durda also talked about some of the unusual properties of Jupiter's moons, Europa and Io, as well as how we're living in the "glory age" of exoplanet discoveries, learning that our solar system is not unique, and we're not alone out there in the galaxy.

In the latter half, author and Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe shared tales and theories of the paranormal and the esoteric. Electromagnetic or radiation influence may affect the ability to see and hear psychic phenomena. Additionally, there could be a thin interface between our realm and a parallel universe, something so close, that we can actually catch glimpses of what is going on there, and vice versa, he said. This might also explain some types of paranormal activity, he added. Studying the ancient field of numerology for a forthcoming book, he found that certain numbers seem to attract both positive and negative things.
Among the stories he recounted, were the Oak Island Mystery, involving a pirate treasure possibly buried in a pit in Nova Scotia, and the 1870 Croglin Grange Vampire case from Cumberland, England in which a scarecrow-like creature was traced back to a tomb, where a mummified corpse was found with fresh blood on its lips. He also spoke about a Ford Capri with the license plate of ARK666Y, thought by some to be haunted by the ghost of Aleister Crowley, and the story of Spring Heeled Jack, a startling 'jumping man' who terrorized Victorian Britain. A recent report from the UK has been likened to the Spring Heeled Jack incidents.
News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Ryan Mauro

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.06 - Fear & Extreme Circumstances

Fear & Extreme Circumstances

Fear & Extreme Circumstances

Date: 03-06-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jeff Wise, Robert Felix
Writer Jeff Wise talked about the psychology of fear, and the various ways we cope with extreme circumstances. He detailed his investigation into the crash of Air France 447, which disappeared over the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean in 2009. It turned out that during a severe storm, the auto-pilot disengaged, and one of the co-pilots panicked and made a fatal error, pulling the plane into an aerodynamic stall. Fear can shut down the brain or make things difficult to figure out-- you have to prepare yourself in advance for dire circumstances, if you want to have a better chance of taking the correct action, he explained.
People are surprised at how they react in unfamiliar life and death situations. "It's almost like we've been taken over by a's this part of us that lurks in our subconscious that we are so rarely exposed to," and it may behave in ways we don't want, he said. Fear can become contagious amongst a group, and when people are seized by it, they are more likely to defer to authority. Regarding the fearful notion that the world might end in 2012, Wise recently penned an article for Popular Mechanics, delineating various doomsday scenarios including atomic warfare, and bird flu.
Fear can sometimes go into a feedback loop that can quickly self trigger, Wise reported. Also, people sometimes fall into "mind traps," where one mistake leads to another in a sequence of events that can snowball into a life-threatening crisis, he detailed. On the other hand, mistakes can be growth opportunities, that can help someone become a better person, he added.

Climate & Ice Ages

First hour guest, researcher Robert Felix spoke about climate and the possibility we could be heading into an ice age. According to a study, the Himalayas have lost no ice in the last 10 years, and glaciers are growing in areas such as Mount Everest, he noted. Ice age cycles occur around every 11,500 years, and one sign that one is impending is increased volcanic activity, particularly underwater, he stated.
News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Lauren Weinstein, John Curtis

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Angel with a Cell Phone

A Dutch town has a statue at a Cathedral of an angel holding a cell phone to her ear, for which an anonymous couple set up a free phone number to call. Advertised on cards throughout the town, the couple receives about 30 calls a day. They always answer, 'Hello this is the Little Angel.' More at the NY Times

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.05 - Auras & Parallel Universes

Auras & Parallel Universes

Auras & Parallel Universes

Date: 03-05-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Pamala Oslie, Lloyd Pye
Author and consultant Pam Oslie discussed her ability to read and interpret auras, as well as evidence for parallel universes, and how we can navigate them. People have different color auras, which she sees as a field or bands stretching out about six feet around them. The bands closest to the body are "life colors" which stay the same, she noted, while the outer bands change in color and reflect passing emotions. To get started in seeing auras, she suggested that you put someone in front of a white background, "and then just kind of look past them with soft eyes, and the first thing you'll probably see is this white glow around their head."
The specific colors of the life auras such as violet, tan, green, and yellow, are associated with different personality types, she explained. For instance, violets are visionaries and dreamers, reds are powerful, volatile, and strong-tempered, yellows are youthful and enjoy fun, greens are willful and tend to be workaholics, and lavenders are sweet, sensitive, and child-like, she detailed. She provides an Aura Quiz on her website to help determine what your true colors are. Based on your individual aura, you'll tend to be more compatible with specific aura color personalities, Oslie said, and to that end she developed the LoveColors online dating site.
She talked about how time doesn't really exist, and is merely a constraint we use in this reality. Along those lines, different parallel universes co-exist with ours, she said, adding that she is able to intentionally travel to or communicate with people in these other realms. As quantum physics has theorized, we can be in multiple places at the same time, and Oslie believes we seamlessly shift in and out of different universes (by the choices we make), without even consciously realizing it.

Starchild Skull Update

First hour guest, researcher Lloyd Pye shared an update on the Starchild Skull, an anomalous, possibly alien, 900-year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930s. Even though it's called the Starchild, he believes the skull actually belonged to an adult because the teeth that were present were considerably worn. The latest DNA testing of the skull has uncovered 56 differences between it and humans-- much more than the genetic differences between humans and other animals, he reported. For more on the DNA testing, see Pye's in-depth essay.
News segment guests: Cal Orey, Greg Hunter

Monday, March 5, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.04 - Depression & Men - Biblical Omens

Depression & Men - Biblical Omens

Depression & Men - Biblical Omens

Date: 03-04-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: John Gray, Jonathan Cahn
In the first half, Dr. John Gray (additional site) discussed the dangers of treating depression with pharmaceuticals, as well as his work dealing with the future of boys, in a society increasingly hostile to male energy. The natural mineral Lithium Orotate is helpful in treating depression and anxiety, he commented, and can be taken while a person slowly tapers off from prescription anti-depressants they may have become dependent on. Omega 3 (fish oil) and whey protein are also useful supplements to take when combating depression, he added. Interestingly, he's found that coffee is beneficial, particularly for men, in balancing blood sugar.
Males are more likely than females to commit suicide by a large margin, and this reflects that "the world is basically not supporting what we might call masculinity," said Gray. Women in the workplace have higher stress levels than men, and this makes them unhappier with their husbands when they go home, which sends a negative message to their sons, he argued. In his study of Scandinavian countries where they have "gender blindness," i.e. women are expected to behave like men in the workplace, and men are expected to have more feminine qualities at home, the result has been fewer marriages in the younger generations, and shorter relationships, he reported. Gray also addressed the problem of ADD, which particularly affects boys. Instead of giving them prescribed drugs like Ritalin, he suggested that a combination of grape seed extract (300 mg.) and Vitamin C (600 mg.) is just as effective of a treatment.
In the latter half, historian and expert in ancient mysteries, Jonathan Cahn (additional site), talked about how omens from the Bible's oracle of Isaiah are reappearing in the U.S. with startling similarities to the events which foretold the destruction and fall of ancient Israel. These prophetic signs are warnings that America is in danger, he said. The first omen has to do with a breach in a nation's protection that allows an enemy to make a strike on that land. Such an event occurred in Israel in 732 BC, and we saw it again with the 9-11 attacks on American soil, he explained.
In another parallel between ancient Israel and the U.S., both vowed to rebuild after their attacks with the construction of a tower, he continued. Cahn also spoke about omens having to do with Sycamore and Erez Trees, proclamations of judgment by people in power, and the "second shaking" of America-- its economic collapse.
News segment guests: Steve Kates (Dr. Sky), Jerome Corsi

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.03 - Exposing the Money Trail

Exposing the Money Trail

Exposing the Money Trail

Date: 03-03-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Foster Gamble, Kimberly Gamble, Alex Jones
John B. Wells was joined by filmmakers Foster & Kimberly Gamble, who discussed Thrive, their unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world and how it connects free energy, UFOs, and the global elite. Foster explained how their research revealed that the energy pattern known as a torus can be found in various "healthy systems" throughout the universe. It is also depicted in ancient cave drawings, modern crop circles, and in reports from ET contactees, leading the duo to surmise that visitors to Earth are trying to impart the knowledge of this energy pattern to the human race. According to them, the principals of the torus pattern can be used to create free energy, which has been discovered many times by enterprising inventors. "That's the great news," Foster said, "the bad news is that every one of those laboratories has been raided."
Behind the suppression of the free energy devices, they said, are the powerful elite who control the world's economy. To that end, they depicted the power structure of the planet as a pyramid with the general population at the very bottom and a select group of families at the top. These families gained their power centuries ago when they created the fiat money system as a means of consolidating power. "They've kept this scam under wraps for about 400 years," Foster said, but noted that the world's population is now beginning to understand how they have been duped into relinquishing their sovereignty. As such, Kimberly observed that the growing knowledge of the world's underhanded financial system gives tremendous leverage for the human race.
"All of the mechanisms by which the control and domination are happening," she said, "depends on our participation." Along those lines, the pair suggested that non-violent, non-participation in the financial system and the increasing globalization of the planet could lead to the breakthrough needed to develop a world that is "run on integrity and freedom rather than corruption." In light of their contacts in the free energy research community, the duo also suggested that the suppression of such technologies may be coming to an end, regardless of interests of the elite. According to Foster, the emergence of a free energy device is likely imminent and that "it can't be stopped much longer."

Andrew Breitbart Death

In the first hour, radio host Alex Jones talked about the death of Andrew Breitbart. He was suspicious of the circumstances surrounding the conservative blogger's demise, since it fell on the very day that Breitbart had previously announced plans to release damning videos of Barack Obama. Additionally, Jones contended that the swift media reports claiming that Breitbart died of "natural causes," despite subsequent news releases saying it would take weeks before that could be determined, was "a big sign that this was some type of staged event." While he was hopeful that Breitbart's death was not the result of a nefarious plot, Jones declared that "we would be fools" not to consider the quizzical timing of the journalist's passing.

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Inside the Penguins' Lair

In conjunction with the Discovery Channel, SeaWorld San Diego has launched a 24/7 streaming webcam which allows visitors to observe their penguin exhibit. The frosty habitat features a wide array of penguin species, including all five types found in Antarctica, with the total number of birds nearing 300. Viewers of the captivating webcam can see the creatures playing, grooming, and enjoying a meal when feeding time arrives. You can tune in to the Penguin Cam at

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.02 - A Skeptic's Perspective/ Open Lines

A Skeptic's Perspective/ Open Lines

A Skeptic's Perspective/ Open Lines

Date: 03-02-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Guy Harrison, Open Lines
In the first half, George Noory welcomed author and skeptic Guy Harrison, who shared his take on a wide variety of paranormal phenomena and conspiracy theories. "I've probably got the heart of a believer, but the mind of a skeptic," he said about his stance on the unexplained. To that end, Harrison expressed hope that things like extraterrestrials and life after death turn out to be true, but stressed that, until proof emerges, he remains unconvinced of their reality. While advocating an open mind rather than hardened disbelief, Harrison explained why he is doubtful about the veracity of phenomena such as alien abductions, reincarnation, and ESP.
Regarding Bigfoot, for example, Harrison contended that it is "very unlikely" the creature exists, since it would require a sizable population to perpetuate the species and, in turn, the large number of hunters and hikers in America should have stumbled upon one of them by now. On conspiracy theories, he suggested that they are a cognitive version of pareidolia, where one sees patterns that don't exist, often in the hopes of making sense of inconceivable events. "Just because something may not have a rock solid explanation that satisfies you," he mused, "that, in itself, is not proof of something grand and bizarre going on behind the scenes." Harrison also detailed how studies into eyewitness testimony as well as memory show that they are both highly fallible and, thus, do not constitute strong proof for paranormal events.
During Open Lines, John in Los Angeles revealed that he had worked at NORAD during the late 1970's and was tasked with receiving calls about unidentified craft. According to him, there were "hundreds and hundreds" of such reports during the three years he worked there. In a handful of cases, he said, there were craft that flew from New York to Montana in mere minutes. Chillingly, he also once tracked a Russian plane that flew over the east coast of the United States, quickly turned around and flew away. The "visit" was so unexpected, John recalled, that the military could not scramble jets fast enough to intercept the Russian interloper.
Jeff in Kentucky shared the story of his encounter with what may have been a haunted vase. His tale began when he knocked over a box of items from an estate sale and accidentally broke the object. Seconds later, he began hearing very quiet whispers all around him and felt a presence lightly brush past him. While in bed later that evening, his attempts to roll over were thwarted when "something physically pushed my shoulder back down." Now quite frightened, Jeff went and cleaned up the broken vase, putting the debris into a garbage can outside. The following morning, he said, the trashcan was knocked over as if "whatever was in that vase had escaped, finally."

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The Cupcake ATM

Cashing in on the cupcake craze that has emerged over the last few years, a popular Los Angeles bakery has revealed plans to launch 'ATMs' that will provide access to their treats around the clock. The dessert dispensers are to be built into existing Sprinkles Cupcakes bakery locations in order to provide maximum freshness and a wide variety of options for impromptu cupcake seekers. More on the story at The Atlantic.  

Friday, March 2, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.03.01 - Space Exploration & Innovation

Space Exploration & Innovation

Space Exploration & Innovation

Date: 03-01-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Catherine Austin Fitts
Astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson, discussed how we can get back on track to become a space-faring society once again, and what we stand to lose if NASA doesn't regain its ground as a force for innovation. The current situation with NASA dependent on the Russians to bring its astronauts to the Space Station saddles the US with an "opportunity cost," he commented, explaining that if we don't have an ambitious near-term plan to advance the space frontier, then the concept becomes lost from society. The space program in the 1960s was part of a forward-looking culture, and innovation permeated society during this decade, he noted.
But, when it became apparent that the Russians weren't planning to go to the moon, the US lost interest in further moon missions, because their militaristic motivation was no longer in effect, he explained. Now the motivation for space missions and explorations could be a kind of economic investment, with a potential huge return from new technologies and industries, Tyson said. For instance, the moon could be harvested for Helium 3, useful in nuclear fusion reactors. He suggested that we double NASA's budget and give them a high profile mission statement. This could serve to recreate the innovation culture that prevailed in the 1960s, where people were focused on the future-- we're seeing this now in countries like China more than the US, he pointed out.
Tyson touched on intelligent design, arguing against it by citing how there are many things in nature that don't seem like a product of an intelligence, such as natural disasters. He also spoke about the 'open skies' aspect of astronomy, and how many comets & asteroids are given double names because they are discovered by two people, sometimes amateurs, at the same time in different locations.

Economic Update

First hour guest, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts joined George in the studio for an update on economic news. It's likely gas prices could rise even higher this year because of geopolitical factors and Middle East tensions, and this will drive up the cost of food and other items as well, she said. "What we're going through is a reset between paper and real things," and with the debasement of the dollar, all tangible items will be more expensive, she continued. With the inflation of our everyday expenses, people should be prepared to bring down their overhead and/or their debt, and to make sure their income is coming from parts of the economy that are growing, she advised.
News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Dr. Robin Falkov

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.29 - Smart Meters - Parapsychology

Smart Meters/ Parapsychology

Smart Meters/ Parapsychology

Date: 02-29-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Pauline Holeton, John Holeton, Chris Carter
Fighting to restore and preserve various freedoms, John & Pauline Holeton, discussed their battle against smart meters in the first half of the show. Smart meters, which energy companies are increasingly using to replace analog meters on homes, have the ability to communicate information back to the utility company, replacing the need for a meter reader. The smart meter uses two-way radio frequency (RF) communication, and could potentially disconnect your house without your permission, as well as regulate your usage of appliances and heating/air conditioning. It's being marketed to consumers as an advantageous way to monitor your energy usage, but in fact, the utility company is invasively tracking personal and private information about its users that was never collected before from the old style meters, said John.
Further, the Holetons contend that the potentially harmful RF signals from the meter could cause certain people to have health problems, such as heart palpitations, nausea, and or even cancer. There is also a safety issue, with smart meters possibly causing arcing, fires, and appliance damage, John noted. In some areas, the smart meters are being offered on a voluntary basis, while in other communities, the changes are introduced as a mandate, or done without the customers' knowledge. To prevent having your old meter replaced, they suggested contacting your Public Service Commission as well as your utility company, and sending them a certified letter of "no consent"-- telling them you do not give them permission to install a smart meter at your home.

In the third hour, Oxford graduate and author Chris Carter discussed his study of the history and science of parapsychology. Such abilities as ESP and psychokinesis don't seem to work according to the "mechanistic" principals of classical physics, he said, but may function through "quantum non-locality" whereby particles can influence each other from a distance. He touched on parapsychology's struggle for legitimacy – and how many so-called skeptics are actually deniers, who've already made their minds up before even looking at the available research. Carter cited the work of Rupert Sheldrake, who interestingly has found that animals such as dogs, have a more developed psychic ability than humans. He also shared an account of Winston Churchill's psychic premonition during WWII which saved him from a disaster.
The last hour featured Open Lines.
News segment guest: Mitch Battros

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New SETI Live Site
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 2012.02.28 - 'Devil's Toy Box'/ Giza Secrets

'Devil's Toy Box'/ Giza Secrets

'Devil's Toy Box'/ Giza Secrets

Host:George Noory
Guests:Scott CreightonGary OsbornHeidi Grant HalvorsonJoshua P. Warren
In the second half of the show, author & researcher Joshua P. Warren talked about the "Devil's Toy Box," and some of his other investigations into the paranormal. He created and tested out a Devil's Toy Box, a set of square mirrors that form a cube, which can become a focal point for energies reflected into itself. Warren recorded audio from inside the box using a suction cup microphone, and static, thumping sounds, and muffled voices were heard (and played on the show), even though there was silence in the room when he made the recording. He also held the Devil's Toy Box up to Raymond Moody's psychomanteum mirror, and a buzzing, hissing sound emerged which suggested to him that certain objects have an energy field around them that the Toy Box is sensitive to.
"Mirrors occupy a very special place, because they send back to you what you're putting out," Warren noted, and when you set up a space where energy is projected back onto itself, it creates "its own separate little universe," that may open contact with other dimensions. He also discussed his investigation into the anomalous Brown Mountain Lights, and one witness, Tommy Hunter, who in 1982, actually touched one of the balls of lights, and received a shock.
Appearing during the second hour, engineer Scott Creighton who's explored many of the world's ancient sites and hosts the Alternative Egyptology forum on, joined with researcher Gary Osborn, to share their contention that the pyramids of Giza were not created to be tombs, but "recovery vaults" acting as storehouses for tools, seeds, art and sacred texts. It doesn't make sense that the massive pyramids would be built for the tomb of one person, and there is evidence that there was a preconceived plan for the structures at Giza based on the location of stars in the Orion constellation, said Creighton. The two also spoke about Freemasonry architecture which references the angle of the keystone on the Great Pyramid.

Science of Success

First hour guest, social psychologist Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson talked about the science of success. One of the biggest misconceptions about success is that it's based mainly on innate ability, when really it has more to do with actions that we do or do not take, she explained. Having specific goals, and seizing opportunities are two commonalities among successful people. She suggested that instead of creating just a "to-do list," a person make a "to-do, & when & where list," so that tasks can be accomplished at specific times and places, which increases success rates.
News segment guests: Jonathan EmordCapt. Kelly Sweeney