
Friday, December 30, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.29 - World in Turmoil

World in Turmoil



World in Turmoil

Date: 12-29-11
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Steve Quayle
Filling in for George, John B. Wells (email) welcomed researcher Steve Quayle for the entire 4-hour program. He discussed disturbing trends in America and globally, the elite's agenda against humanity, as well as how we could be facing epic Earth changes & solar disruptions. With the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, the US government can accuse people of domestic terrorism and effectively remove them from their families without any kind of due process, thus trampling on the Bill of Rights, Quayle lamented. "We are, let's face it, under a state of de facto martial law right now," with our rights stripped away, a militarized police force, and intrusive surveillance, he continued. Further, he suggested that the US government is tracking citizens' purchases using various algorithms, and eventually plans to remove guns from homes.
A report has emerged that there could be 14,000 excess deaths in the US linked to Fukushima radiation. The seriousness of the situation in Japan has been hushed up in the mainstream media, Quayle noted, adding that according to his source, there are possible plans for the evacuation of Tokyo. Regarding vaccinations in the US, which eventually may be made mandatory, he believes they put people's health into a compromised state, and are ultimately part of the elite's plan to reduce the population. Chemtrails are another method being used to attack people's immune systems, he suggested.
Quayle said he is keeping an eye on volcanic activity in Iceland, because it could potentially set off the mid-Atlantic ridge in the Azores, causing a huge tsunami. We are seeing antipodal quakes, where seismic activity in one location can trigger a quake on the opposite spot on the globe, he stated. Weather modification technology and scalar weaponry may be increasing climate problems, and quakes, he added. People need to take survival preparedness seriously, and should make sure they have a "bug-out bag"-- a portable kit containing items needed to survive for 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster, Quayle advised. He recommended Holly Deyo's book, Dare to Prepare, for complete information on this topic.



Thursday, December 29, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.28 - Mushrooms & Origins of Christmas

Mushrooms & Origins of Christmas


Mushrooms & Origins of Christmas

Date: 12-28-11
Host: Rob Simone
Guests: Jan Irvin, Linda Schurman
Filling in for George, Rob Simone (email) welcomed author and researcher Jan Irvin for a discussion on the earliest known forms of religion and nature worship and their connections to our modern religions and holidays; and how special plants used in shamanic rituals, including the Amanita muscaria mushroom, were ingested by those seeking higher consciousness. According to some academics & Cabalists, in the story of Adam & Eve, the Tree of Knowledge was actually the magic mushrooms, he noted, adding that in the ancient Vedic (India) tradition, "soma" is described as a plant or fruit that brings spiritual enlightenment. Scholars today suspect that soma was a mushroom or similar substance.
Irvin connected the origins of Christmas and Santa Claus to the use of psychedelic mushrooms and shamanism. Santa Claus evolved from Herne, the ancient shamanic god of Europe and Siberia, to Pan the licentious Roman god who imbibed mushrooms, to Krampus, St. Nicholas's devilish helper who dealt out punishment to naughty children, he detailed. Even Santa's red and white garb mirrors the look of the Amanita mushroom, he continued.
Regarding current religious uses of mushrooms, James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney of the Oklevueha Native American Church told Irvin that Native Americans still very much respect the Amanitas and the mushrooms, even though their church is more recognized for their use of peyote. Interestingly, Mooney and his associates are working on research that shows that the Mormon religion was originally founded on both the use of peyote and the Amanita muscaria, Irvin reported.

2012 Predictions

First hour guest, professional astrologer Linda Schurman shared her predictions for 2012, and reviewed some of her accurate hits for 2011. She'd foreseen that 2011 would be the beginning of a second American revolution-- and cited the Occupy Wall Street movement as evidence for that. Over the next several years, she predicts that the Occupy movement will gain strength and cohesion, and possibly form a third political party. For 2012, she foresees major tectonic activity with earthquakes possibly occurring in Mexico, California, the Northwest Coast of the US, Japan, Alaska, Chile, Iceland, and Italy, with the most intense period being April through June. She also sees the economy continuing to falter in the new year, a worldwide water crisis, and a protest similar to Tiananmen Square happening in China in the Spring.

Related Material

Jan Irvin Images
Jan Irvin Images
Jan Irvin sent in a set of images to accompany his 12/28/11 appearance. He writes of this image: "Amanita is the mushroom of the fairy tales, the mushroom of the elves and gnomes and dwarves. And of course Santa Claus has elves – Santa is an Elf. Santa is also the mushroom, shown here with his red and white garb and black boots – just like the mushroom." View Irvin's full set of images here.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.27 - Ancient Civilizations & Cataclysms

Ancient Civilizations & Cataclysms


Ancient Civilizations & Cataclysms

Date: 12-27-11
Host: Whitley Strieber
Guests: Graham Hancock, Ralph Steiner
Whitley Strieber (email) welcomed author and investigator Graham Hancock, who discussed evidence for an ancient advanced human civilization that was destroyed 12,000 years ago as well as his research into the Ark of the Covenant. Hancock cited maps from antiquity, which depicted how the planet looked during the ice age, as a key piece of evidence for this lost civilization. He explained that the existence of the maps reveals that there was a culture from that era that was both capable of navigating around the globe and creating the sophisticated charts. He stressed that this civilization "may not have conquered interstellar space" and was possibly just a small group sharing the Earth with less advanced stone age humans.
On why the concept of an advanced ancient culture continues to be overlooked by archaeologists, Hancock pointed to a pair of fallacies which skew mainstream research. First, he said, archaeologists make the mistake, when looking at anomalous ancient sites, of attributing their creation to the latest culture in the area. As such, the researchers are then forced to develop convoluted and illogical theories on how these primitive people created such elaborate structures. Additionally, Hancock observed that archaeologists "come to the study of history and pre-history with a reference frame already in place." This perspective, he said, is that "there are no mysteries there" and that human development has taken place over one long upward trajectory.
Regarding his research into the Ark of the Covenant, he recalled visiting a cathedral in Ethiopia, where it is claimed the relic resides. Outside of the building, Hancock met an old monk who said that he was the "guardian of the Ark." The monk rebuffed his request to view the relic, told him that "the Ark is a thing of fire," and noted that the device had caused him to be blinded due to severe cataracts over his eyes. Hancock also noted that several fundamental religions view the Ark as a critical element in their respective apocalyptic prophecies. As such, he suggested that, for the safety of all mankind, it is kept in such a remote location because "maybe that's a really good place for this dangerous, poisonous object to be."

Tesla's Lost Work

In the first hour, reporter Ralph Steiner talked about why Nicola Tesla's work remains classified and what is still hidden deep in the government's secret vaults. He explained that the Tesla papers, which were confiscated by the FBI following his death in 1943, are currently kept at Los Alamos National Laboratory and are highly classified. He theorized that the US government used the inventor's research to develop "extremely sophisticated and powerful weapons technology." Therefore, he said, the materials are likely still being kept secret because the government does not want the information to fall into enemy hands and it also keeps our own exotic weaponry shrouded in mystery. Over the course of his appearance, Steiner also discussed Mars anomalies, parallel dimensions, and the research being done at CERN.



Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.26 - ET Encounter

ET Encounter


ET Encounter

Date: 12-26-11
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Noe Torres, Ruben Uriarte, David Hatcher Childress
Ufologists Ruben Uriarte and Noe Torres discussed one of the world's most intriguing and least known UFO cases. The incident took place in 1964, when eyewitness Donald Shrum had a terrifying 12-hour encounter in the Tahoe National Forest with menacing robot-like and humanoid invaders. He'd been hunting with two companions when they saw an enormous cigar-shaped UFO-- around the size of a 14-story building. According to Shrum, from out of the larger craft, a smaller scout ship was expelled, which landed nearby. He was then discovered by two small humanoid beings that looked like they were wearing "welding goggles," Uriarte recounted.
As the beings came toward him, Shrum climbed up a tree to escape them. Then, he noticed a more robot-like creature with fiery orange eyes that came toward him and emitted a vapor that would temporarily knock him out. Carrying a bow and arrow, he tried shooting at the robot. He also observed that audio signals from the ship seemed to influence the behavior of the beings. Eventually, a second robot appeared and they increased the volume of the asphyxiating vapor, and Shrum said he was knocked unconscious until the morning. When he woke up, the beings were gone, and Shrum later sought medical attention to see if he might have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
A second witness, Shrum's hunting companion Vincent Alvarez, gave a written affidavit as to seeing a bright craft. Shrum was initially hesitant to go public with his story because he thought it might jeopardize his career as a missile defense contractor, Torres noted. At the time, Shrum did speak with the Air Force about what he saw but they tried to downplay the incident and suggest that he was the victim of a hoax or prank. Torres and Uriarte believe the case is comparable in significance to the Betty & Barney Hill abduction, and also draws parallels to the Travis Walton, and Pascagoula UFO abductions. For more, see the illustrations below.

Grand Canyon Artifacts

First hour guest, researcher and author David Hatcher Childress talked about the possibility that the Grand Canyon might have been visited by ancient Egyptians. A Phoenix Gazette story of April 1909 reported that the Smithsonian was doing excavations of unusual caverns at the Grand Canyon, where a prospector said he'd found a mine opening that contained Egyptian artifacts, as well as hieroglyphics. A recent article from the Arizona Republic reported that figurines recovered from a limestone cavern in the Canyon had been carbon dated to 2145 BC.

Related Material

Illustration: Cisco Grove UFO Encounter
Illustration: Cisco Grove UFO Encounter
An illustration by Neil Riebe of the "mothership" from Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte's book, Aliens in the Forest: The Cisco Grove UFO Encounter. View the full set of images.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.25 - Lunar Anomalies

Lunar Anomalies



Lunar Anomalies

Date: 12-25-11
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Ken Johnston
Ken Johnston, who worked for NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions, says he was fired for telling the truth. He joined George Knapp to share his contention that NASA knows there is evidence for both modern and ancient artifacts on the moon, as well as an active base there. He explained that in his position as Photo Control Dept. manager, he had access to highly detailed film and negatives taken during the Apollo missions. In viewing 16mm film shot by Apollo 14, they saw a shadow cast in the bottom of a crater, "and as we approached it, in the dark area there were like five domes lit from the inside, and a little plume that looked like steam streaking up above it," Johnston said.
There are also Apollo pictures that show perfectly round holes, which he's concluded are vents rather than craters because they don't have ridges. Photos taken during the Apollo 15 mission show beams stretching across the surface that expose some of the lunar substructure, Johnston noted, adding that during seismic experiments the moon would ring like a bell, possibly indicating it was hollow. One of the more striking anomalous photos was taken by a Russian lunar orbiter which showed a fractured dome on the moon's surface, he commented. Another image (see below) taken by the Lunik 13 Russian craft, looks like a drilling device and definitely appears artificial, he continued.
Johnston also talked about some of his early UFO contact experiences, where he was told he would become an ambassador between humans and ETs. He believes there is a group of ETs called the Watchers that keep tabs on humanity. Interestingly, he learned that Apollo astronauts were warned off by beings at one of the craters, and told not to return to the moon, and subsequently NASA scrapped the rest of its planned Apollo missions.

Related Articles

Two Lunar Anomalies

Two Lunar Anomalies Two Lunar Anomalies
Images of two lunar anomalies discussed on the 12/25/11 show-- Lunik 13 artifact on the left, 'Blue Ship' on the right.
Click on images to view larger.

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Knapp's News 12/25/11
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Appropriate security on UFOs probably 2-way street
Are Animal Rights Activists Terrorists?
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.24 - Dream Insights & Hypnosis

Dream Insights & Hypnosis


 Dream Insights & Hypnosis

Date: 12-24-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Dr. Judith Orloff, Rick Collingwood
In the first half of the program, medical intuitive and psychiatrist Dr. Judith Orloff talked about how dreams can provide psychological healing and valuable insights for the future. "I look at dreams as shining lights in the darkness... giving us information about ourselves," Orloff said. Dreams can show a person what they're afraid of and how to be healed from it, she explained. They can guide one toward a certain direction in life as well, Orloff said, noting that she herself listened to dreams about becoming a psychiatrist. Even nightmares have the power to heal, as they can help the mind to purge inner darkness, she revealed.
Orloff encouraged listeners to develop their intuitive nature and dreams lives as the year 2012 approaches. "We need to summon all of our energies beyond the linear mind. The linear mind won't be enough to handle [the challenges of the new year]," she said. People must instead look to their hearts, intuition, and dreams to get guidance and to conjure the necessary positive energy, Orloff added. She also spoke about the challenges of finding a good therapist, noting the importance of having good chemistry between patient and doctor, and seeing changes in one's life fairly quickly. Related Link: Developing Intuition Download Package
During the last two hours of the show, hypnotherapy expert Rick Collingwood discussed using hypnosis to help better one's life and maintain a positive outlook. "Our thoughts create our feelings," Collingwood stated. If people let in all of the negative stuff, it will become who they are, he noted. According to Collingwood, there is no reason to dwell in negativity as 90% of one's thoughts and fears never come to fruition. Whenever negative thoughts do enter the mind, he recommended saying, "You have no place here, go away." While it may not be possible to change adverse circumstances, people can always change how they think about them, he added.
This is where hypnosis comes into play. The subconscious is filled with patterns and programs, similar to a computer, which get enhanced by one's thoughts and feelings, Collingwood continued. As an example, Collingwood noted that if a person is having a difficult time finding employment, he or she may come to believe that a job will never be found, become negative about future employment opportunities, and simply stop looking. Hypnosis changes how one reacts to the environment by replacing on program for another, more useful, one, he said. Several of Collingwood's self-hypnosis programs are available on iTunes.

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The 'Science' of Santa

The Telegraph has created an interactive graphic explaining what it would really take for Santa Claus to deliver his 850,000 tons of toys to approximately 2.5 billion children in less than 32 hours.



Saturday, December 24, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.23 - Christmas Folklore & Open Lines

Christmas Folklore & Open Lines


Christmas Folklore & Open Lines

Date: 12-23-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Varla Ventura
Author Varla Ventura joined George Noory to share bizarre and weird holiday stories, like the Scandinavian Trolls who love to dance and drink through the night on Christmas Eve. Open Lines followed. At the end of the program, George played a recording of Detroit broadcaster Lee Allan's reading of A Letter from Michael.
News segment guests: Dr. Sky (Steve Kates) / Greg Hunter

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'Star of Wonder' in the East

'Star of Wonder' in the East
A spectacular image of Comet Lovejoy, which recently survived a close encounter with the Sun, was captured by International Space Station Commander Dan Burbank as the object appeared over Earth's eastern horizon. Burbank described the view as "the most amazing thing I have ever seen in space." Robin Scagell of the Society for Popular Astronomy suggested the Star of Bethlehem could have been a comet like Lovejoy. More at The Telegraph.



Friday, December 23, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.22 - YU55, ETs, & Roswell

YU55, ETs, & Roswell

YU55, ETs, & Roswell

Date: 12-22-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, James McCanney
Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed anomalies found on asteroid YU55, as well as recent sightings of strange aerial objects in Canada. She also shared witness testimonies regarding non-human entities seen in a hanger at Walker Field in 1947, and the close encounter of a large disk which demonstrated cloaking abilities in 2006. In her first report, Linda spoke with Dr. Lance Benner, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, regarding images taken of the YU55 asteroid. He said that JPL was surprised to see a bulge at the equator of the asteroid, which is an unexpected feature based on its rotation period. Additionally, Benner noted that images of the object show a "sharp, pointy hill" that is unlike anything he's seen on other asteroids.
During the second segment, Linda reported on Greg Crane, an Ontario native who has captured a series of puzzling photographs of anomalous lights repeatedly seen in the sky. Having originally been baffled by the pulsating nature of these lights, Crane explained, he decided to hook a camera and telescope up to a tripod in order to take long-exposure photos of the enigma and get a better view of them. The subsequent images show bizarre and erratic patterns caused by the object. Crane theorized that the light may be some kind of antigravitic craft and the patterns are due to the influence of Earth's gravity on the object. More here.
In the third segment, Linda shared her conversation with Patrick Murphy, who told of insights given to him by his father, Francis, who was stationed at the Roswell Army Air Field in July of 1947. Murphy revealed that his father saw cargo planes arriving at the base hours after the alleged crash as well as ambulances moments after the event. Subsequently, a hangar at the base was deemed "off limits" to all but the highest ranking officers. His father was told by a security officer that, amongst the debris, was "strange looking metal" and body parts which did not belong to humans. Later, Francis would oversee the loading of mysterious crates, which had no manifest and only bore the destination Wright Patterson AFB and a number. Further info.
In her last report, Linda spoke with Patrick Colligan, who recounted the breathtaking UFO sighting he had in 2006, while working as a correctional officer at a state prison in Roswell. During a night shift, he suddenly heard a series of "pops" and then an electrical crackling sound. Following that, a row of white "lights" appeared in the sky. Upon getting a better view of the object, Colligan saw that the lights were actually illuminated windows situated in the center of a dull gray, saucer-shaped craft. He remembered being terrified at the sheer size of the object, estimated to be over 600 feet wide. As it passed over him, the top and bottom of the craft disappeared, followed by the lighted windows blinking out, leading to the object vanishing.

Comet Lovejoy & Hurricane Prediction

In the first hour, maverick physicist James McCanney talked about Comet Lovejoy as well as hurricane prediction. He observed that NASA expected the comet to "melt away" as it passed close to the sun and were surprised when it went through the solar atmosphere and emerged as a Pluto-sized object. McCanney expressed great satisfaction with this turn of events since it appears to disprove the "dirty snowball" theory of comets and strengthens his own research. "This is exactly what I have been talking about," he marveled. McCanney also talked about how hurricanes are influenced by electricity coming from the atmosphere rather than water temperatures or other elements theorized by meteorologists.
News segment guests: Jeff Nelken & Catherine Austin Fitts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.21 - Secret Door XIII

Secret Door XIII


Secret Door XIII

Date: 12-21-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Clint Arthur, John Rhodes, Lauren Weinstein, John Hogue
In our 13th edition of the 'Secret Door,' George Noory welcomed three surprise guests who discussed a variety of topics. First through the door, was a curious voice reminiscent of Truman Capote-- George was initially stumped as to its identity. It turned out to be a character voice done by none other than 'crypto-hunter' John Rhodes, who proceeded to chat about reptoids, lizard people, giants, and other anomalous beings. He recently ran across a report by the Native American Paiute tribe in Nevada, discussing their belief about a race that lives underground that is reptilian-humanoid in appearance. Further, some cavern systems might have winged humanoid beings living in them, Rhodes speculated.
Technology and privacy expert Lauren Weinstein was next through the door. Among the issues he addressed, was the messy situation occurring with technology patents. Ever since the US Patent Office started allowing patents on basic processes, a myriad of lawsuits have sprung up between technology companies trying to squeeze money out of each other, he explained. A trend he expects to see in 2012, is the continuing march of processing power of cellphones and portable devices, bringing in spectacular changes in the way we use these devices. There are also advances being made in neural interfaces, such as MRI machines that can show to some extent what a person is seeing through their eyes, he reported.
Last through the door was authority on prophetic traditions, John Hogue, who said he is just finishing up his new book on predictions for 2012. He addressed the notion of what he called "propheganda," in which people try to make or change the future. He also shared some of his predictions for the new year. He foresees a year of floods and upheaval, with possibly another large tsunami. Starting in February, we are entering "a mini-age of Neptune," an astrological period that will last until 2025, with millions displaced by floods, he said, adding that some nations will simply collapse from natural disasters.

'Last Year' Program

Riffing on the fact that we are now exactly one year before the end of the Mayan Calendar, first hour guest, author Clint Arthur talked about his 'Last Year of Your Life' program, in which people try to live each day for one year like it's the last year of their lives. He cited a Steve Jobs comment that the most powerful tool he ever had was knowing that he was going to die, as it stripped away all his fears. Arthur detailed three goals of his program: accomplish what's on your bucket list, create a legacy based on what is special about you, and have more fun than you've ever had in one year's time.
News segment guests: Dr. Gary Ridenour, Mish Shedlock

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12/21/12-- The Countdown Begins

12/21/12-- The Countdown Begins
Mayan communities in southern Mexico have begun a year-long countdown to Dec. 21, 2012, the end date for one of their ancient calendar cycles. Meanwhile, Mexico's tourism agency, which doesn't actually believe the world will end on the 12/21 date, is hoping for increased visitors to the region, and more than 500 Mayan-themed events are planned throughout the year. Further info at the Telegraph and BBC News.



Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.20 - Spiritual Intervention

Spiritual Intervention


Spiritual Intervention

Date: 12-20-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Coach Bob
Leading expert on the paranormal, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, discussed her research on angels, holy entities, and interventions into the physical world by the spirit world. "There are beings out there who are available to be intermediaries for us and also to intervene and intercede in our affairs," Guiley said, "and many of them are helpful." She noted that these entities may be called by a variety of names, including angels, spirit guides, teachers, and totemic spirits, but they all seem to serve this same purpose. Over the course of the evening, Guiley also shared her thoughts on spirit communication, interdimensional portals, and 2012.
On the nature of angelic intervention, she put forward the concept that angels are around humans all the time and may even be assigned specific people to oversee and protect. In this scenario, the angel serves as "a battery of energy ready at any time to be called into action." However, Guiley said, the onus of responsibility lies with the human to "initiate this exchange of energy." She theorized that, when in a crisis situation, there may be something in our consciousness which calls out for divine intervention. That said, she mused that it is possible that "on a soul level" we have opted for these difficult experiences, which is why angels do not always intervene to save us.
Regarding miracles, Guiley contrasted the classic interpretation that they are simply a "gift from God" with her own belief that they are actually "a partnership of human consciousness, the divine, and cosmic forces in motion." To that end, she contended that humans have the ability to harness these cosmic forces to manifest miracles. "We are active participants, not passive recipients," she stressed. As such, rather than merely ask for a miracle, Guiley said that people need to ask what actions they need to take to facilitate change that will result in a greater good. "That's the mindset that we need to continue to develop," she mused, if we truly want to make miracles happen.

Less Stress for the Holidays

During the first hour, Coach Bob talked about the nature of stress and how to minimize it during the holiday season. He distilled stress down to the manifestation of our anger and fear - a survival mechanism for our ancient ancestors which now plagues us in modern times. Bob observed that many people will encounter friends or family who are angry, fearful, or full of negative emotions during this time of year. In order to diffuse that energy, he suggested reaching out to them and showing acceptance. If the person snaps at them, Bob said, acknowledge their stress and offer to help. "Be the calm person this holiday season, no matter what," he emphasized, "and you will not believe the wonderful time your going to have."
News segment guest: Mitch Battros



Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.19 - Environmental Activism

Environmental Activism



Environmental Activism

Date: 12-19-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Erin Brockovich, Christopher James Clark
Legal clerk and environmental activist, Erin Brockovich, was portrayed by Julia Roberts in the Oscar winning film bearing her name. She discussed how she won her epic battle against Pacific Gas & Electric, and how she continues to challenge corporations around the country to help average Americans in their fight for toxin-free environments. The case against PG&E involved contaminated ground water in Hinkley, CA, and the movie portrayed the situation with about 95% accuracy, she detailed. A number of the cases she's subsequently worked on have dealt with contaminated well water. Some 30 million Americans get their water from wells, but there is currently no system for monitoring their safety, she noted.
Among the sites/cases, she's currently working on are Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, where thousands have been poisoned by a tainted water supply; Beverly Hills High School where some 450 kids came down with cancer, thought to be related to toxic gases emitted from an oil production facility underneath the school; and a 'cancer cluster' in a rural section of West Palm Beach, FL possibly related to pesticides seeping into the ground water. Brockovich announced that she is working with Google to create a cancer cluster map, highlighting locations where specific types of cancer are unusually high in number.
She also talked about her suspense novels Rock Bottom and Hot Water, in which she's created a character similar to herself who deals with environmental investigations. By telling a story that has truth in it in an entertaining fictional format, she hopes to ignite and inspire her readers to take action in their own communities. Brockovich said she fields many emails and queries from people who approach her about worker's comp and whistle-blower issues, environmental problems, pharmaceutical and disease issues, as well as corruption in government, and international concerns.

Globalizaton & Environmentalism

First hour guest, writer & researcher Chris Clark shared his concerns about globalism, which he believes is a long-term agenda of elites to gradually transfer sovereignty from nation-states to regional governments and international organizations, and eventually lead to a one-world government. Citing the writing of historian Carroll Quigley, such a one-world government would be authoritarian and bring in a new form of feudalism, Clark commented, adding that the environmental movement has been misdirected so as to serve the globalist agenda.
News segment guests: Greg Hunter, Lauren Weinstein



Monday, December 19, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.18 - Rock & Roll and the Paranormal

Rock & Roll and the Paranormal



Rock & Roll and the Paranormal

Date: 12-18-11
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Tom DeLonge, William Pepper
George Knapp was joined by Tom DeLonge, member of the band Blink 182, for a discussion on the weird world of rock and roll, his longstanding interest in UFOs, and his new website that he hopes will become a clearinghouse for paranormal news. DeLonge traced his interest in the paranormal back to 7th grade and recalled that the first thing he did when his band signed a record deal, in the mid-90's, was to go out and buy a computer "specifically to go on the Internet and research UFOs."
As his band became more successful, DaLonge said, he reached out to UFO disclosure advocate Stephen Greer and met him several times. At one point, Greer even gave him 36 hours of taped testimonies from government insiders sharing their knowledge of the phenomenon. Following that, DaLonge's phone lines began acting strangely, despite changing homes several times. In retrospect, he theorized that Greer's work was being facilitated by the government in the hopes of seeing how such UFO disclosures were being disseminated. As such, DaLonge surmised that those behind the plan were caught off guard when a rock star suddenly received the information and, thus, they began tapping his phone to see what he might do with it.
DaLonge also revealed some insights he's been afforded over the years thanks to his celebrity status and interest in the paranormal. He shared the story of a friend who visited NASA and inquired about UFOs. While the NASA official denied knowledge of the phenomena, she did say that, after the final Apollo mission, the FBI came to the space agency and "took and destroyed all the technology and all the paperwork and everything on how to get to the moon." Additionally, DaLonge recounted a conversation about black triangle craft that he had with a pair of friends from the "deepest of the deepest engineering groups in the United States." After detailing how he believes the triangles are secret US anti-gravity craft, DaLonge said, the engineer gravely warned him that "you better be really careful with what you're talking about."

RFK Assassination

In the first hour, William Pepper, the lawyer for Sirhan Sirhan, explained why he believes his client is innocent of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. He noted that until recent changes in the law, Sirhan's case has been "mired in procedural quagmire" for decades without any opportunity for a fresh legal examination of the facts. Pepper detailed a litany of issues which suggest that Sirhan was not Kennedy's assassin, including audio forensics of the shooting as well as the analysis from a Harvard psychologist who asserts that the alleged killer was the victim of "hypnoprogramming." Having filed the necessary legal paperwork to challenge Sirhan's conviction, Pepper hopes for a positive ruling sometime early in 2012.

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Knapp's News 12/18/11
Check out some of the items that have recently caught George Knapp's attention, including this breathtaking photo from NASA as well as articles on another petition for UFO disclosure and controversy in the Bigfoot research community...



Sunday, December 18, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.17 - Jordan Codices

Jordan Codices



Jordan Codices

Date: 12-17-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Jesse Richards, David Elkington, Captain Kelly Sweeney
During the middle two hours, religious scholar and Egyptologist, David Elkington, joined Ian Punnett for an update on the Jordan Codices: seventy, ancient and sealed metal books that could change the world’s view of Biblical history. In the first hour, author Jesse Richards talked about why we should all be positive about world events and the future of the planet. Capt. Kelly Sweeney provided brief maritime updates in the final hour.

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Video: Lizard Gamer

Video: Lizard Gamer
An Australian bearded dragon has become an online celebrity after its owner captured the creature on video playing the smartphone game Ant Smasher. The lizard can be seen snapping up virtual insects with its tongue as they stream past on a mobile touchscreen device. More at Mail Online.



Saturday, December 17, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.16 - Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism

Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism


 Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism

Date: 12-16-11
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Mark Anthony, Open Lines
Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells (email) welcomed medium Mark Anthony for a discussion on his psychic abilities and work with spirits, which he considers a gift from God, as well as the esoteric elements behind various Christmas traditions. Open Lines followed in the final hour.

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Video: Berlin Laughter Project

Video: Berlin Laughter Project
Mobile phone footage of passengers aboard a subway train in Germany suddenly gripped by unexplainable fits of laughter has become an Internet sensation, racking up over a million views on YouTube. In the video, one passenger starts giggling at something on her phone, which in turn causes the entire train to eventually erupt in laughter. The event was orchestrated by the Berlin Laughter Project as a kind of therapeutic flash mob. More at The Washington Post.



Friday, December 16, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.15 - Cyber Attacks - Annunaki Evidence

Cyber Attacks - Annunaki Evidence



Cyber Attacks - Annunaki Evidence

Date: 12-15-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Andrew Colarik, Marshall Klarfeld
News segment guests: David Wilcock & Whitley Strieber
In the first half of the program, author and consultant Andrew Colarik talked about cyber attacks against the US by our enemies, the downed drone in Iran, and how identity theft could lead to terrorism. "We're getting, literally, thousands of attacks on all kinds of our infrastructure from all over the world," he declared, noting that the problem is under reported because it is so commonplace. Colarik was particularly concerned about the threat this poses to America's infrastructure, such as the electrical grid, water distribution, and waste disposal systems, since much of them are run remotely via a central computerized command.
Colarik strongly urged a "national discussion" on the issue of cyber attacks, what they may cause, and how to respond. "It should be a whole understanding by the American people," he said, which determines how the country wants to govern the cyber world and best protect our national assets and interests. Chillingly, Colarik also noted that the United States has not made a determination as to what constitutes an 'act of war' with regards to cyber warfare. He stressed that this lack of parameters leaves the country vulnerable to potentially calamitous missteps in response to a cyber attack. "You take the wrong escalation and you're going to create a problem that will effect not only you, but all of us," he warned.

Annunaki Evidence:
In the second half of the show, researcher and author Marshall Klarfeld discussed the ancient ET race, the Annunaki, and how a possible cloaked space object, spotted near Mercury, could be one of their motherships. Based on his research, he surmised that the Annunaki created a mothership as a proverbial weigh station to facilitate their gold mining operations after they arrived on Earth. He cited the 11th tablet of the Epic of Gilgamesh as evidence for this mothership, since the story details how the Annunaki escaped the Earth during the 'great flood' and fled to the craft. In turn, Klarfeld asserted that the entities may not be on Nibiru, but actually much closer and watching us from the mothership near Mercury.
Klarfeld was also very intrigued by a crop circle which appeared in Poirino, Italy this past Summer. He contended that this formation, which he called "the most magnificent crop circle I've ever seen," was a communication from Enki, one of the Annunaki leaders. Contained within the crop circle, Klarfeld claimed, was binary code that spells out Enki's full name as well as a warning about radiation and a reference to a specific human gene. Based on this, he suggested that there may be an impending galactic super wave and the Annunaki are trying to alert the human race to the importance of the gene in surviving the effects of the subsequent overwhelming radiation.
News segment guests: David Wilcock & Whitley Strieber

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From Divine to Dinner

Once venerated by the natives of Madagascar, the island's lemurs are becoming endangered as cultural changes have resulted in the creature now being seen as a viable food source. Previously, it had been considered taboo on the island to hunt or kill the animal, but a recent study uncovered a staggering number of lemurs being eaten in villages on the island. Experts blame outsiders coming to work at the island's mines and their rising demand for meat as the key factor in the lemur's changing fortunes. More on the story at BBC News.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 2011.12.14 - Paranormal Immersion

Paranormal Immersion



Paranormal Immersion

Date: 12-14-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dave Schrader, David Kirkpatrick, Joshua P. Warren
Author, paranormal researcher, and radio host Dave Schrader discussed his lifelong immersion into the paranormal that began with visitations from his dead grandmother at the age of three, and growing up in a haunted house. He also had a communication from his deceased grandfather, who told him that when he died he was greeted by loved ones who had previously passed over. Curiously, when he hugged his grandfather before he left, it "felt like a shaft of warm, vibrating air." At the age of 11, Schrader had an unsettling encounter with a Bigfoot-like creature while visiting the Pensacola, FL area. The creature had a huge mane of grey-black hair and a deep inset face. In the ensuing years, he has come to suspect that Bigfoot are interdimensional in nature, and he happened to catch one traversing between its dimension and ours.
Schrader described witnessing UFOs and unexplained aerial phenomena when he visited James Gilliland's ranch on several occasions. On one night, he saw a set of lights in a triangle formation that seemed to blink on and off in response to laser lights shined at them, as well as an object shaped like a manta ray, that flew between pine trees. Gilliland told him that it was a "biological craft"-- half machine, half living organism. Schrader also shared his latest research on the black-eyed children phenomenon, eerie occurrences in which people encounter kids (usually groups of 2-3) outside their homes with completely blackened eyes, who typically ask to be let inside.
Another one of Shrader's visitations took place during a vivid dream, in which he met a "beat-up broken old man," who turned out to be angel. "Angels are hard, bent, battered. We fight on your behalf daily to protect you and watch over you, to fight the battle you don't even know you're in some days," the being told him. Paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren joined the conversation briefly to talk about a trip to Transylvania, that he and Schrader are embarking upon in May, as they lead a tour group to 'Dracula's (Vlad the Impaler) Castle,' to separate fact from fiction.

Facebook Growth

First hour guest, author David Kirkpatrick talked about Facebook's phenomenal growth, even as some users are walking away from it over privacy, and other concerns. The social networking service currently has over 800 million users, including 2/3 of the American population, he reported. As the company gets ready to go public in an IPO, he expects the stock price to soar, and its value to exceed $200 billion within three years.
News segment guest: Catherine Austin Fitts

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Warren & Schrader

Warren & Schrader Warren & Schrader
Joshua P. Warren shares two photos. In the first, he and Dave Schrader (right) prepare to investigate the haunted La Purisima Mission in California, where they served as judges on the Travel Channel's "Paranormal Challenge" TV show. In the second image, Warren prepares to fight vampires on his upcoming trip to Transylvania with Schrader. These genuine steel claws should never be in this position around your throat!
Click on images to view larger.